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Good Life Organic Shatavari

Good Life Organic Shatavari
Good Life Organic Shatavari
19 reviews Add review
  • 100g
CPTIn stock, 6 items available online
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Shatavari, also called the queen of herbs promotes fertility, regulates hormones, supports and nourishes the female reproductive organs, reduces PMS by relieving the pain. Shatavari is a superherb every woman should take, according to herbalists. Used for a long time in Ayurvedic medicine, this herb is also embraced today by many alternative medicine practitioners around the world.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

Here are more benefits women can experience when taking the queen of herbs, on regular basis:

  • Female rejuvenation
  • Nourishes the blood, builds blood, cleanses the blood
  • Supports and promotes fertility (supports female organs for fertility)
  • Naturally supports the production of milk for nursing mothers
  • Regulates hormones
  • Reduces hot flashes
  • Supports immune system and digestive system
  • Excellent for women in post menopause life

The reason Shatavari is especially beneficial for women is because it has ability to boost production of good estrogen, main female hormone which tends to decrease over the years due to different biological and health reasons. For example, if women are overstressed or going through menopause or if her ovaries are moved, estrogen levels may decrease drastically and estrogen production as you might know is important for better mood, high libido, good immune system and general vitality.

1-3g or as directed by health practitioner. Mix with juice or milk.

Not advisable to use if pregnant

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Overall Rating
4.2 out of 5 stars from 19 reviews

17 out of 19 people would recommend this product

05/01/2023, By Michi
Haven’t noticed any difference.
20/07/2022, By Rue
Really good in powder form but the taste is bad if you mix it in water. I would advise mixing it in smoothies and teas
10/05/2021, By T
I'm a big fan of taking natural products to boost my immune system and to deal with stress. I've been taking this for about two weeks now - about half a teaspoon in my morning yoghurt and happily, my energy levels have improved and I'm feeling more on an even-keel.
Don't expect a sudden surge in energy, you'll just notice after a few days that you aren't feeling like you have to drag yourself out of bed, you don't feel like your batteries are flat all day and you aren't losing your mind over silly things. That's a win for me.
Side note - I didn't try the Mojo powder because of all the reviews that said it tasted terrible, this I don't taste at all.
27/01/2021, By Limpho
24/11/2020, By Torres
06/11/2020, By Randy
This definitely helps with PMS, I do not get the same painful breasts like before. And yes it definitely does have a noticeable aphrodisiac quality to it.
26/10/2020, By Orm
Great for reproductive health
29/08/2020, By Brenda
04/05/2020, By Leigh
This is more of a faith purchase, because I don't experience the benefits directly - so I add it to smoothies and hope it does what it claims to be able to do...
24/01/2020, By Quest
What's this
13/10/2019, By BrendaS
So I’ve never missed my period ever and I’m not sexually active. I started using Shatavari a week before I was meant to start my period and my period ended up being 4 days late, the only thing that changed in my daily routine was that I started taking Shatavari twice a day. It might be a number of reasons why my period was late but I stopped taking the Shatavari and I got my period the next day.

So I’m not sure about this one for me
08/10/2019, By Andrea
Shatavari tastes good, is organic and a very versatile powder. Highly recommended to improve overall female health, to deal with stress. I can notice that I have more energy, more vitality. You can have it as tea as coccion, with powridge etc.
07/08/2019, By Kelly
I've been taking this powder for about 3 weeks now. I am quite highly strung, have a stressful job and am a TERRIBLE morning person - since I've been using the Shatavari I have been noticeably less irritable all round, just way more chilled and easygoing. As for the libido boosting properties, I am so happy to say that there I definitely feel a difference, don't expect crazy, raging hormonal teenage behaviour, but definitely a difference. So pleased I found something natural that actually works, reckon I will keep taking this indefinitely.
25/06/2019, By Hlengiwe
Too soon to tell of any benefits but the taste, yikes!! Will take tip and mix into my smoothie instead of indicated hot water.
22/04/2019, By Chrissy
Been taking it for PMS and after only 2 weeks I have had excellent results, no headaches, no mood swings.
13/08/2017, By Jessica
I never had extreme PMS but I did always feel a bit yucky around the time of my period - and on the day I would be bloated and a bit sore and tender - after a month of using a heaped teaspoon in my morning smoothies (along with my maca powder) I have had NO PMS the past two months. I do not know my period is coming until it starts. Excellent.
28/06/2017, By Brenda
I gave this a try because I had extreme period pain and unbalanced hormones. I didn't really notice much difference over a 8 week period but am willing to give it some more time.
04/06/2017, By Anne
An ayurvedic doctor recommended Shatavari. It has helped relieve my period pains.
30/03/2015, By Ayumi
I read the article shatavari helps to ease pain of period. Since I put this powder, flaxseed oil into my soymilk smoothie and drink everyday, my menstrural pain has been calm down.

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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