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Mineralife Zinc

Mineralife Zinc
Mineralife Zinc
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Mineralife’s liquid zinc supplement is a simple solution to your everyday health concerns; with this easily absorbed liquid formula that features CHD Fulvic acid that aids absorption, you can rest assured that you’re getting a steady supply of much-needed zinc in one convenient daily dose. Zinc is a remarkably versatile mineral that helps with a huge range of health-enhancing functions throughout the body, including cell repair, reproductive health and the production of more than 300 enzymes! Trust Mineralife to make sure you get enough of this all-round mineral “superstar” to keep your body healthy and strong.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

With a daily dose of Mineralife Zinc in water or juice, you’ll enjoy a huge range of health benefits.

  • Body tissues: Zinc helps to repair cells and produce keratin, keeping your skin, nails and hair in healthy condition.
  • Blood: Helps maintain healthy red blood cell levels and blood sugar levels.
  • Detox: Breaks down free radicals, helps the body eliminate heavy metals and toxins.   
  • Digestion: Helps to produce stomach acid and digestive enzymes.
  • Growth and strength: Keeps bones hard and muscles strong, and helps children and teens with proper growth.
  • Immune system: Builds immune cells to protect the body against disease.
  • Reproductive system: Promotes fertility, a healthy libido and testosterone production in men. It’s a key nutrient during pregnancy and lactation; highly recommended for moms-to-be.

Patented, clinically tested professional grade CHD-Fulvic Acid has been added to further increase absorption and enhance overall well-being as fulvic acid has natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification properties.

This liquid supplement is made with Mineralife’s MET water and tiny, water-soluble IsoIonic™ minerals to make absorption fast and easy. The solution is all-natural, with no preservatives, artificial colours or flavours. It’s sugar-free, gluten-free and 100% suitable for vegans.  


  • 2.5ml (1/2 a cap) daily in water or juice.
  • Refrigerate after opening for long-term freshness.


Reverse Osmosis Water (MET™ Water*), Ionic Zinc from ionised zinc LactoGluconate, CHD-Fulvic Acid, non-GMO Sorbic Acid (100% natural, protects freshness)

  • Ionic Catalyst contains a full spectrum of 72 naturally occurring minerals and trace minerals from IonicTrace™, concentrated Great Salt Lake minerals.
  • Contains 96 servings (240ml)
  • 120% daily value of zinc per serving
  • 200mcg ionic catalyst per serving
  • Serving size: 2.5ml

*Mineralife’s purified, energy-enhanced water formulated to help activate minerals into their electronically charged ionic state for optimal benefit. Patent pending.

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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars from 15 reviews

15 out of 15 people would recommend this product

13/08/2024, By Eden
Good quality liquid zinc. Great to boost your immune system.
01/04/2024, By Ren
Good quality liquid zinc. I've only been using it for a couple of days now as an immune booster.
23/10/2023, By LJM
You only need a 2.5ml and its 'clean' not mixed with anything to make it taste nice - so just a note its a good idea to mix it with something!
21/07/2023, By Nicky
Maybe it's just me but this stuff made me feel happy within minutes of the first dose.
10/03/2023, By Lexi
Zinc is the most powerful immune booster there is, especially the liquid version and especially this brand. I love it!
18/02/2021, By Mponeng
I really love the Mineralife Zinc, my skin cleared up within few days of using it but I totaly dislike the taste though????. I would definitely recommend this product.
26/10/2020, By Maureen
Great product
25/09/2020, By Naj
Great quality product and it lasts a very long time. Worth the price.
18/09/2020, By Hassan
This is horrible tasting but a potent product
07/04/2019, By Chris
Brilliant supplement to support thyroid disorders while giving your immune system a boost. I love that I can take this high quality supplement simply by adding a few drops in a glass of filtered water (instead of popping another capsule) Best part, It's tasteless!
08/03/2019, By Annelies
Great brand, the zinc helps me with my eczema
30/06/2018, By Nats
Tastes pretty good so can even get the little ones to take it and the highest dose zinc I have managed to find anywhere! Great product thank you.
14/08/2017, By Cara
I was recommended to use Mineralife Zinc for my 7 month old baby who had a cold to boost her immune system as I didn't want to use over the counter medicine as I prefer using natural products as far as possible and I could see an improvement after a couple of days of using the zinc liquid.
20/10/2016, By Drina
Just the easiest way to take all your minerals without having to swallow a handful of capsules. I now use Mineralife Zinc, Manganese and Boron. Just 1/2 cap in water - thats it!
26/03/2015, By Tracy
I suffer from a chronic skin condition called Perioral Dermatitis and I also used to get sick often. My doctor recommended Zinc to build up my immune system. Since I started using Mineralife Zinc my skin has improved so dramatically that the dermatitis is not visible at all, and I hardly ever get sick. What an amazing product, it really does work!

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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