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Peace Incense - Sacred Love

Peace Incense - Sacred Love

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Peace Incense - Sacred Love
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Namaste! Dear Soul
heartfelt greetings of love
to honor Spirit presence
connecting us all in the eternal
journey to find true peace

This is pure incense to enhance your yoga, meditation and prayer.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

Assorted fragrances include:

  • Blue Lotus - Real special, Real Lotus, be prepared!
  • Mystic Garden - a Champa that is spicy too
  • Sacred Love - A delicate Frankincense and Rose blend
  • Vastu - Ayurvedic herbs only, deep yet understated
  • Yoga Blossoms - made with the sacred Parijata Flower - Sublime
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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars from 3 reviews

3 out of 3 people would recommend this product

15/09/2021, By Marle
This is my favourite incense, perfect for my daily yoga practice, meditation or just to enchant my home, LOVE it!
23/05/2020, By Bronwen
It is very relaxing to just watch the smoke as a meditation aid and let the sweet smell fill you. I find this helps the process.
06/05/2018, By Zukiswa
The smell is heavenly, use it when sending love to people

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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