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Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liqui-Gel - Mouth & Throat Gargle

Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liqui-Gel - Mouth & Throat Gargle
Silverlab Colloidal Silver Liqui-Gel - Mouth & Throat Gargle
14 reviews Add review
  • 200ml
CPTIn stock, 10 items available online
JHBIn stock, 11 items available online
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Soothe sore throats and swollen tonsils, treat sunburn and clear up skin irritations, all with one highly effective natural remedy. The colloidal silver liqui-gel from Silverlab is a powerful natural antimicrobial treatment that kills bacteria, fights off infections and reduces inflammation. It’s free of preservatives, alcohol and chemical ingredients, making it safer and more effective than cortisone or antibiotics – no side effects, and no chance for pathogens to build up resistance. You can trust this versatile liqui-gel for safe and effective treatment.

Our strict ingredient policy means that you can always shop according to your values. Every item on FtN is checked to be better for the environment, socially responsible, good for you and free from toxic ingredients.

Silverlab’s multi-purpose liqui-gel can be gargled and swallowed to soothe mouth ulcers, sore throats and tonsils, and oral pharyngeal thrush. Unlike ordinary antibiotics, germs don’t develop a resistance to all-natural colloidal silver, so you can trust it to always be effective.

Used topically, colloidal silver liqui-gel treats a number of skin complaints:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Boils
  • Burns
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Dhobis itch
  • Sunburn
  • Vaginal thrush
  • Wet dermatitis
  • Wounds and scrapes

The liqui-gel also makes a great immune booster and a hygienic barrier gel that works to prevent microbial infections. Part of the Silverlab range – a leading South African brand of colloidal silver remedies, and a member of the Health Products Association of SA. Their colloidal silver products are MCC approved.

Colloidal silver is a simple yet powerful mineral formula; a solution of silver particles suspended in de-ionised water. It works to restore diseased and damaged cells, and is the perfect weapon in the battle against drug-resistant infections. Silver has been trusted as a healing agent for centuries, and Silverlab’s formula combines this ancient wisdom with state-of-the-art technology to bring you the purest product. Learn more about colloidal silver.

Note: Argyria, or “blue disease”, ie the development of a bluish tint to the skin, has been wrongly attributed to the use of colloidal silver in the past. This condition is in fact caused by prolonged use of medicines containing silver nitrate, or the incorrect use of silver salts.


  • Gargle with 10 ml before swallowing 2 - 4 times per day, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.  Can also be used in eyes, ears and nose.
  • For oral pharyngeal thrush (mouth sores or mouth ulcers), sore throat and tonsils, gargle and swish 10 ml around the mouth for 3 minutes, 4 - 8 times per day.
  • If the condition of sore throat and tonsils does not improve within 3 days, please consult your healthcare practitioner.
  • Apply topically to affected area 2 - 3 times daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
  • Pour 5 ml onto palm of hand, apply to face and into nostrils and on lips, which may help as a first line of defense against colds and flu.
  • Use within 30 days of opening.
  • Store below 25°C out of sunlight. Keep container tightly closed.


  • Discontinue use if hypersensitivity occurs.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your medical practitioner before use.


Each 5 ml contains:


  • Due to inadequate scientific evidence to support the safety and efficacy of colloidal silver, we are currently permitting this ingredient for short-term purposes for adults and require further scientific studies to support its safety before expanding the category. There are potential long-term health risks that are associated with consumption, inhalation and topical application of colloidal silver that may result in argyria, which is permanent bluish-grey discolouration of the skin and organs.
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Overall Rating
4.7 out of 5 stars from 14 reviews

14 out of 14 people would recommend this product

12/11/2023, By S
I had sores in my mouth that were causing a lot of pain for a few days. Gargling with this brought immediate relief.
22/10/2023, By Vivien
Really recommend this. Gargled with it when I had sore throat which alleviated the symptom really fast.
27/10/2020, By Aliyah
Great Product
23/09/2020, By Blondi
Instant relief for any pain in your mouth, Three people tried and all were satisfied, just wish the effects lasted longer at a time*
06/07/2020, By Brenda
Very good product, it cleared up my mother in laws mouth thrush.
22/06/2020, By Mich
Convinced it helped me to get over a cold faster. Better than effervescent vitamin c.
09/05/2020, By kensie
Brilliant product
17/06/2019, By Birgit
Works for everything before it gets infected
08/03/2019, By Gillian
This works so well, I could not live without colloidal silver in my life. This liquid is a little thicker than your normal liquid colloidal silver so makes it easier to gargle.
20/08/2018, By J
This works brilliantly for sore throats, sensitive teeth, mouth infections, and the like. Worth every cent.
18/06/2015, By Salima
Great product, never seen something react so positively to a sore throat
15/05/2015, By M. Paloma
I used the gel after work on tooth and the taste was not bad at all. I seemed to help clear the hole after an extraction and I found it helpful that I could swallow it and did not have to spit it out. Will use it again if needed.
10/02/2015, By Julia
I was diagnosed with an vaginal (HPV) infection a few months ago. While petrified of having to go through the whole operational procecure if it worsens and / or doesn clear up - I did some research and found that colloidal silver has been found to effectively treat vaginal infections in the past. I plucked up my courage, eventually, and used it in combination with the Natracare tampons. I went back to the gynea a few weeks later and everything had cleared up. By no means do I recommend forgoing
ormal treatment entirely, but I would certainly confirm that it IS safe to use internally - no burn, no discomfort, and a definite piece of mind. This is another item I keep in the house, always.

Please Note:

Faithful to Nature is an online retail store, specialising in a wide selection of natural supplements, vitamins, superfoods and health-related products. Our green team is all about helping you unlock your full potential to live a healthy life; however we are not medical professionals. Please do consult your health care practitioner when seeking medical advice. Some products may be manufactured in a factory that also produce gluten, nuts and dairy products.

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