18 Jan 5 Easy Tips to Save Water in Your Home
Our green community probably already know the basic of saving water at home – taking shorter showers, turning off the tap when brushing your teeth and fixing any dripping taps and leaks – but here a few more ways to be more water-wise in your green havens.
1. Keep chilled water in the fridge
Keeping a jug of water in the fridge means that you do not have to use the tap every time you need a refreshing drink of water, or to run the tap a little for the water to cool.
Great product
23 Oct, 2015, By Harper
This is a really clever and elegant product that we use all the time. Flavour your water or add texture and colour to your drinks without any bits leaving the container into your glass – highly recommend!
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2. Invest in water-efficient appliances
Inexpensive and simple to install, low-flow shower heads and tap aerators can reduce your home water consumption as much as 50%, and reduce your energy cost of heating the water also by as much as 50%.
Next time you need to replace an appliance or household equipment, think about investing in water-efficient goods – you can now buy water efficient shower heads, taps, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers and many other water saving products.
3. Collect rainwater
Install a water butt to your drainpipe to collect rainwater – you can use the water collected to water your plants, wash your car, clean your windows or anything else you desire.
4. Save water when you flush
Simply flushing the toilet can be a huge waste of water, depending on your mechanics. To cut this wastage you could install a toilet flapper, tank bank or float booster – but here is an inexpensive DIY way to cut wastage right now.
DIY Float Booster
- Put about 5cm of sand or pebbles inside each of two plastic bottles to weigh them down.
- Fill the bottles with water, screw the lids on, and put them in your toilet tank, safely away from the operating mechanisms.
- Be sure at least 11L of water remain in the tank so it will flush properly.
5. Create your own compost
There are many ways to save water in the garden, and during this summer these tips may just save your shrubbery.
Mulch will slow evaporation of moisture while discouraging weed growth. Adding organic material such as compost or bark mulch will increase the ability of the soil to retain moisture. Areas which are already planted can be ‘top dressed’ with compost or organic matter.
28 Aug, 2015, By Carmen
I just received my Earth Probiotic Starter Kit two days ago, but Id been collecting kitchen scraps for it since the week before when I planned to order it, so its nearly full. The kitchen scraps were starting to smell, but after placing them in the composter with the bokashi bran there is no smell. Hubby says the bokashi bran smells good. The little collection container will come in useful especially when preparing meals as you can just leave it on the counter and transfer it to the larger bin later on. Definitely planning to order another 20L bin so I can rotate them. And how cool is it reducing waste and fertilizing the garden at the same time 🙂
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Using less water not only saves the earth valuable resource of H2O, but also has overflow benefits of reducing energy usage, as the less water we waste – the less waste water needs to be cleaned; and it can save you and the utilities council money when you use less water. It can also help to prevent water pollution. In some communities, expensive sewage system expansion has been avoided by community’s dedication to household water conservation.
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