16 Feb 5 Natural Essentials for Your Family First Aid Kit
Smart parents know it’s important to keep first aid essentials handy in the home. Smarter parents know it pays to choose safe, effective natural first aid remedies over chemical-laden medications. As if there wasn’t already so much to love about natural healing products, one of the biggest benefits is their versatility; one product can be used to treat a variety of health complaints, making it so convenient and cost-effective. We’ve chosen some of our best natural healing goodies for your family’s first aid kit – five things that health-savvy moms and dads should never be without!
Soil Wintergreen Essential Oil
Wintergreen oil is nature’s “liquid aspirin”. It’s made up almost completely of methyl salicylate, which permeates the skin’s tissues, where it works to reduce pain and inflammation. Wintergreen also has antiseptic and astringent properties. Mixed with a carrier oil or added to an oil diffuser, wintergreen oil is an excellent natural painkiller with a fresh minty scent. The perfect alternative to ordinary painkillers, chest rubs or muscle rubs.
Use it for:
- Joint pain
- Muscular pain, spasms & cramps
- Tight chest & respiratory tract infections
- Inflammation (rheumatism, gout)
- Headaches & migraines
- Poor circulation
“This really works! I was skeptical at first – I don usually use painkillers, or anything, for a headache, when I do its because I can function anymore. Not having any painkillers around today, a colleague gave me this oil to rub on my temples. 15 minutes later, the throbbing is mild, if anything at all! Amazing! Added to bag.” – Jocelyn
Natraloe Regenerating Aloe Gel
This soothing aloe vera gel works to repair the skin from everyday exposure to the elements, and all sorts of skin irritations and ailments too. Forget the chemical-heavy lotions and potions; this ultra-gentle but highly effective multi-purpose gel is all your family’s skin needs.
Use it for:
- Irritation & inflammation
- Eczema & dryness
- Sunburn
- Rashes & breakouts
- Insect bites
- Cuts, abrasions & bruises
“This product is fantastic! I literally saw a difference in days and have thrown away my Zinoryt and Differen (topical Roaccutane) and have not looked back since! I had to come off the pill 2 years ago due to a blood clot and have been struggling with my skin since then. My confidence took a real blow but thanks to this product (together with another product on this WONDERFUL site) things are looking up 🙂 Please keep producing this product exactly as it is.” – Megan
“I use this on my kids for everything from sun burn , to insect bites and wounds. Works quickly and really well. I even use it on my own skin!!” – Elsa
“I used this on my skin while I was having radiation treatment and my skin handled 6 weeks of radiation without a blemish! I would highly recommend this product. In fact the radiation nurses were blown away by how well my skin handled the radiation. (And I did okay the use of it with the radiologist)” – Patricia
“This is a product that I pray will always remain of this quality – and that the manufacturers don ever give in to compromising on quality due to demand or popularity. This is a must-have in every household! Good as a general skin conditioner, for insect bites, fungus infections, sunburn, chapped lips etc. etc. My granny has been using it with success for her winter hands – another family member for his shingles on his face. Hey – I even use it as a non-toxic hair-gel – I apply a little bit to my wet hair, style and dry, and then brush out my hair. It comes out super-soft! A big thumbs-up from my whole family.” – Elizabeth
eCS Colloidal Silver Liquid
Pure colloidal silver is a great internal and topical treatment that’s antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. It’s a healthier alternative to cortisone and antibiotics, especially considering that pathogens can’t build up a resistance to it.
Use it for:
- Colds & ‘flu
- Throat or chest infections
- Eye infections, conjunctivitis
- Thrush, yeast infections
- Upset stomach & indigestion
- Cuts, grazes, minor wounds & burns
- Ringworm & athlete’s foot
- Skin irritation, rashes & insect bites
“I wish more people knew about how amazing this is for health maintenance and boosting ones immune system. Since discovering it and moving my whole family and our pets onto this, we hardly get sick at all. No more doctors bills; no more sniffles and coughs. Please share!” – Anthony
“I live on this stuff. I drink it daily, use it on itchy bites, sores, etc. I also put a few drops into my pets water bowl once a week. My yorkies occasionally have skin flare-ups, especially after grooming – I dabbed this product on the affected area and the problem clears up almost immediately. I constantly recommend this product to my friends, colleagues and family.” – Karon
AllisOne Immuno Synergy Tissue Salts Blend
This immune-boosting tissue salt blend combines the healing properties of five tissue salts: Calc Sulph, Silicea, Nat Mur, Ferrum Phos and Kali Mur. They’re really easy to take orally, and make a great natural alternative to sugary, additive-laden vitamin supplements.
Use it for:
- Colds & ‘flu
- Fever blisters
- Sinusitis & hayfever
- Post-nasal drip
- Respiratory problems
- Low immunity
“Just want to let you know that this product is AMAZING. As a natural health enthusiast, I use only natural products to treat my kids when ill. I have tried many products and I can honestly say that this product beats anything else I’ve tried by far. Within 24 hours of using it, my son’s snotty nose cleared up and stayed clear for about 2 months whilst I was using it. The bottle ran out and because he was fine, I didn’t get more. Now we have another snotty nose and I just know that when I start him on it again later today, that it will clear it up asap. It is a simple, safe and inexpensive product that I highly recommend all Mum’s have in their house as their go-to for treating colds and flu.” – Desiree
Alternatively, Ferrum Phos (First Aid) tissue salts are also great for keeping general wellbeing and immunity high.
Clipper Organic Nettle Tea
That’s right, tea in a first aid kit! A cup of this healing brew can help to soothe allergies of all sorts, without resorting to antihistamine medications. Nettle is also great for inflammatory conditions.
Use it for:
- Hayfever & allergies
- Eczema
- Coughs & asthma
- Joint or muscle conditions – gout, rheumatism, arthritis
- Indigestion
- Urinary tract infections
“This spring I have been using Nettle tea to help keep my hayfever manageable. I am surprised at how well it is working. I still have some bad times, but they don last as long as they usually do and this year I can actually smell the flowers! I love that these teabags are also unbleached.” – Ashley
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