06 Jan 5 Things To Know Before Starting Whole30
Unlike other diets, the focus of Whole30 is to identify intolerances that you may not have realized were negatively affecting your health. The diet, founded by Melissa Hartwig Urban just over 10 years ago, came about when a 30-day diet experiment “transformed Urban’s health, habits, and emotional relationship with food.”
It’s something that takes dedication and commitment for the entire 30 days, but really isn’t too difficult once you’ve made the commitment. Here’s our top tips if you’re thinking of investing in your health for the next 30 days.
It’s not about weight loss
Whole30 is about figuring out what does and doesn’t work for YOUR body. It’s essentially an eliminatory diet that helps you figure out your food intolerances as well as “reset” your midset when it comes to food.
DON’T weigh yourself during the 30 days. That’s not where your intent should lie, but rather take not of improvements in sleep, energy levels, mood, digestion, skin reactions etc. Whole30 aims to manage inflammation and nurture your gut; ultimately nurturing your relationship with food.
There’s no measuring or restricting calories (Eat as much as you want!)
Yep. This is our kinda diet. All you need to do is stick to the guidelines of what you can eat. There’s no counting calories needed or measuring cups that need to be pulled out at every meal. You’ll be eating lots (TONS) of vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, herbs & spices. Whole foods that nourish and sustain.
Yes, vegans & vegetarians CAN do Whole30
If you’re vegetarian or vegan, you’ve probably read the ‘no’ list and thought, “No Legumes?? Where am I supposed to get protein??”. And now you’re wondering if this is even feasible. The answer is yes, but, you’ll need to put a bit of work into planning your meals well.
Luckily, not ALL legumes are excluded. You’re able to enjoy green beans and sugar snap peas which have good protein value as well as nuts & seeds like cashews & flax.
Ultimately, you need to listen to your body & ensure that you’re getting enough nutrients (which might mean leaving legumes and beans in the mix for the time being). Check out these handy shopping lists to help with your next visit to the grocery store.
No Slip-Ups!
This is 30 days that you really need to take and invest in yourself. It’s only effective if you fully commit to eliminating specific foods so that you can accurately test how your body responds. A new diet is always an adjustment, so being prepared will make it harder to slip up and meal-prepping can go a long way in helping you stick to it.
Be prepared to turn down plans & explain to friends and family, but remind yourself why you’ve taken on the challenge. This is for YOU.
The reintroduction phase is just as important
The end of the 30 days is really the most important part of the process. You’ll need to reintroduce foods back slowly & mindfully to really figure out what foods are trigger foods and cause reactions (whether that be bloating, rashes, asthma, breakouts, diarrhea etc).
Keep these things in mind & you’ll be equipped to make it through 30 days of whole eating without a hitch and be better off for it!
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