19 Feb Cruelty-Free Living: Your Kitchen, Closet and Make-Up Kit
The times they are a changin’, and better late than never me thinks. If ever you were considering making the next move to a more ethical way of life, I hope this piece will edge you in the right direction. We’ve read about how a plant-based diet helps both your body and Mother Nature, now we are confronted with information as to why cruelty-free consumption is a must. Below, are seven (pretty damn solid) reasons why brands that no longer test on animals are the brands we should be supporting.
No rabbit deserves to have its eyelids cut off and be subjected to weeks of chemicals being dripped into its eyes only to prove a concoction is safe for humans to use as makeup remover. That type of torture, in a controlled environment or otherwise, simply put, is not okay. This is why cruelty-free products need to, quickly, overtake the popularity of products brought to market through animal testing. Rabbits, hamsters, mice and sometimes dogs are never given pain relieving medication for the days they have to suffer through and often, their bones are broken while trying to restrain them. Discarded like yesterday’s trash when the experiments are done, the animals go through hell only to have a number of us still react badly to the products, anyway – although, of course, this is not the point.
How would you feel if you knew you were wearing lipstick that had caused a guinea pigs blindness? What is we said that your pet dog or cat actually had to go through that torture for your perfect shade of pink? It would certainly wipe the smile off my face. In recent years, scientists have developed 40 tests that are adequate substitutes for animal testing. Working with environmentalists, these scientists have published a list of over 7 000 chemicals that have already been proven safe to use for humans. All this information can render animal testing obsolete – ensuring that our furry and four-legged friends are not put in harm’s way for our comfort and vanity.
Our skin is our biggest organ. Caking capacious amounts of chemicals on it can’t be good. If it isn’t a harmful when applied directly to the skin, it can hurt your liver, kidneys and spleen and cause secondary infections on your skin. Cruelty free products are often made from non-toxic ingredients that won’t affect our bodies. Similarly, cleaning products and clothes that are produced with natural materials won’t aggravate your skin or pores, casing uncomfortable and unsightly side effects.
Cruelty-free and vegan-friendly products tend to have less unpronounceable and undecipherable chemicals in them, rather opting for raw materials. The natural ingredients come from the earth and you can bet your bottom dollar that, with the organic process of biodegradation, back to the soil these ingredients will eventually go.
Ethical consumption also means that there is less excess being dumped in our oceans and spread across the land. Do your research and you’ll find most, if not all, cruelty-free companies are aligned with conservation initiatives that are making waves in the industry. By donating money, funding projects and spreading the word about global warming and animal extinctions, these eco-warriors are investing in a cleaner world for generations to enjoy.
A common misconception plaguing the industry is that because leather – for example- isn’t made from actual cow skin, it won’t be of the same quality. Nothing could be further from the truth. The likes of Hollywood actresses, Rooney Mara, Jessica Alba, Drew Barrymore and Eva Mendes have all collaborated with fashion and cosmetic companies to release quality and cruelty-free products for consumers to enjoy. There is simply no excuse to continue buying from companies that test on animals when there is a parade of premium products available to you.
Contrary to popular belief, opting for cruelty-free products won’t burn a hole in your pocket. Because there is an urgent move towards environmentally-friendly and sustainable living, many companies have made their products budget-friendly. You’ll often find cleaning products that are safe to use in the bathroom, as well as in the kitchen and on all food preparation surfaces. And your range of prodcut is by no means lacking – conservationists have applied their creative thinking and conservative ways with awesome ethical substitutes – think biodegradable glitter, vegan leather and DIY recyclable children’s masks.
Cruelty-free products will become even more affordable when the demand increases, so it is up to us to shift the industries in favour of more ethical practices.
If you, like me, can hear your mother whining, ‘so if everyone jumped off a bridge, you would do it too’ – quash that quick. This is one global trend worth jumping onto. If you can find premium products that take the earth and all its living creatures into consideration during production, why not opt for it? For too long we have been genetically modifying, force-feeding and technologically tampering with our furry and four-legged friends. It has to stop. Now.
Not only has the beauty and cosmetics industry started taking responsibility for the errors it’s made in animal testing, but furniture stores and some of our favourite clothing brands have become more ethical about the materials that they use.
Beauty Without Cruelty is a South African animal rights organisation with a primary objective to educate and inform the public about the exploitation, abuse and suffering of animals and to offer humane, non-animal alternatives to replace cruel and harmful lifestyle choices. They receive no government or lottery funding and rely entirely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our work for animals. Beauty Without Cruelty means living without cruelty.”
Leaping Bunny is an international organisation that overseas the well-being of animal rights. Look out for their Leaping Bunny on all approved labels, to ensure you’re purchases are indeed certified.
Thanks to the dedication and commitment of our consumers we are able to constantly look at our policies to ensure that all the boxes are being ticked. One of the Faithful to Nature readers has supplied us with even further certifications in order to identify which brands are honestly wearing the cruelty free label.
Here’s where you can further your research:
- BWC have an easy to use humane guide: https://www.humaneguide.co.za/
- https://www.humaneguide.co.za/faq.php
- https://www.leapingbunny.org/about/faq
- https://choosecrueltyfree.org.au/faqs/
Jo Lister
Posted at 09:37h, 23 FebruaryGreat article on raising awareness, but I am surprised that FTN doenst mention the importance of buying only verified products – in South Africa Beauty Without Cruelty and overseas, Leaping Bunny. That is the only way you can be sure that the product and its ingredients are not tested on animals. Many companies are taking advantage of consumers and advertise products without any verification.
Chevaun Roux
Posted at 15:24h, 26 FebruaryHi Jo. Thanks so much for your comment – it’s a great idea to mention on the article. We will add in a section with the verification to inform other readers.
Jo Lister
Posted at 22:53h, 04 MarchThank you for adding those two, unfortunately there is much misinformation on the market regarding animal testing. Many companies claim to be cruelty free but do little to prove it, as there is no legislation to stop companies from literally pulling the wool over consumers eyes. In our rush to support cruelty free, we should ensure we are not supporting hidden cruelty.
Lets rather support verified and audited brands. It is not an expensive or complicated process
BWC have an easy to use humane guide http://www.humaneguide.co.za/
The following FAQs cover most of the…. well FAQs 🙂
Companies such as FTN should surely be supporting the organisations such as BWC, leaping bunny and CCF
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Posted at 13:39h, 27 August[…] you’ll certainly be doing Mother Nature a service if you avoid those labels all together. You can identify cruelty-free cosmetics by the bunny logo printed on the […]
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Posted at 14:58h, 07 September[…] makeup remover wipes in your bathroom cabinet means that you never have to worry about this. This cruelty-free product effectively removes all makeup and grime from your face while simultaneously hydrating it […]
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Posted at 15:37h, 01 October[…] make-up remover wipes in your bathroom cabinet means that you never have to worry about this. This cruelty-free product effectively removes all make-up and grime from your face while simultaneously hydrating it […]
Pingback:5 Good Reasons to Choose Cruelty-free Cosmetics - Faithful to Nature Natural and Organic Blog
Posted at 09:45h, 06 November[…] Cruelty-Free Living: Your Kitchen, Closet and Make-Up Kit […]
Posted at 11:15h, 11 NovemberAnother way to stop (or at least reduce) the practice of vivisection (i.e. animal testing) is to visit websites such as: Care2.org; PETA; mercyforanimals.com; thepetitionsite.com and similar sites where people can put their names down on petitions that actually DO make a difference. These are large organisations who gather hundreds of thousands, even millions of signatures and approach governments, laboratories and companies to change their ways 🙂 It’s very encouraging to see progress over the years.