25 Jan A Word From our 2018 #IamFaithfultoNature Ambassador: Khaya
A Word From our 2018 #IamFaithfultoNature ambassador: Khaya
This past year of being the #IAmFaithfultoNature ambassador has been quite something. Through working with FTN I met so many inspiring, driven individuals and companies forming a part of the change the world needs. 2018 was a year of awakening. No one can turn a blind eye to environmental issues anymore and everyone wants to make a change. I’m thankful for influential companies like Faithful to Nature who are making waves and showing corporations how business should and can be run. This year alone they raised R88 000 on their Black Friday campaign for the Endangered Wildlife trust. The filters the site has are huge game-changers for ethical shoppers and produce a stress-free shopping experience.
I’ve learned how easy it is to support local and environmental products as a consumer. We have the power to vote with our wallets and there are so many small businesses we can support, and those products are available on the site. I’ve also learned that everyone wants to start, not everyone knows where. I gifted people reusable straws or cups and watched how those same people realised how easy it is to make a small change in their life and continue to make changes after one step. I’m so thankful for the opportunity I was given. We hosted beach clean-ups, challenges and giveaways that created awareness around the scary plastic problem we are facing.
Thank you Faithful for the opportunity I was given as the ambassador. It gave me a wider platform to share my voice and knowledge on living waste free. It connected me with inspiring people and I learned so much along the way. It was a dream come true to represent my favourite company!
Best of luck to the next #IAmFTN ambassador, excited to watch you rock your journey with Faithful to Nature!
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