22 Feb Affordable Natural Home Remedies for Your Medicine Chest
Everyone has some sort of home first aid kit for those everyday little health issues – cuts, scrapes, burns, pimples, colds, an upset tummy. Sometimes the basics are all you need to negotiate these common blips or even prevent them in the first place. Your natural first aid kit needn’t be pricey and there are some natural healers from Mothers Nature’s medicine chest that are so versatile they’re great to have on hand as a first line of defense before you resort to more serious measures.
Here are a couple of simple and affordable ideas from Faithful to Nature for stocking your natural home medicine chest.
1. Epsom Salts
Epsom salts almost need no introduction, they’re practically a must. They’re made of magnesium sulfate, and Sulfates help improve the absorption of nutrients, flush toxins and help ease migraine headaches.
The most common way to use Epsom salts is in a hot bath, where it is absorbed through the skin, drawing toxins from the body, sedating the nervous system, reducing swelling and relaxing muscles. Take an Epsom salts bath before you go to bed after a long day of strenuous activity, for aches, pains, sprains or bruises, or if you are stressed and suffer from insomnia. Before bed is the best time as it can make you feel quite sleepy. It’s a great treatment if you have overdone it in the sun and also helps when you are detoxing your body.
2. Zinc & Castor Ointment
For those little non-serious scrapes, cuts and even boils or pimples, zinc and castor oil combines the antiseptic, healing properties of zinc and the soothing, moisturizing, protective abilities of castor oil. It’s also useful for nappy rashes, chaffing and as an after-sun treatment (please note this brand isn’t suitable for those with nut allergies).
3. Castor Oil
Another well-loved (though not for its taste!) home remedy for both health and beauty that your grandmother knew all about. Castor oil is not only an amazing treatment for hair growth – it treats dandruff too and its antimicrobial, antiviral, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties combined with its protective moisturizing properties and fatty acids makes it a go-to for dry, itchy skin, fungal infections, ringworm blemishes and warts, and helping to kill acne-causing bacteria.
It stimulates collagen and elastin production so is an affordable anti-aging beauty treatment to boot. It’s famous for being used as a laxative to treat constipation (Please note: castor oil can induce labour so isn’t recommended for pregnant women).
4. Flowers of Sulphur
This remedy with the pretty name is one that perhaps you have wondered about – it has in fact been known as a remedy for over 2000 years and comes from naturally occurring volcanic deposits. The name comes from the fact that under a microscope it looks like little flowers.
Sulphur is a health and beauty mineral that is extremely central to your body being the third most abundant mineral. It’s a component of hair, skin and nails, muscle and bones and helps to build strong, healthy arteries.
It plays a vital role in collagen production and maintaining your skins elasticity and supporting your joint health. Modern food processing methods have resulted in us not getting enough of this abundant mineral.
It’s antiseptic and antifungal so you can use it for scaly, itchy skin, psoriasis, eczema, scabies and fungal infections such as ringworm and athletes foot. You can either apply it directly as a powder or mix it into an oil of your choice such as coconut or jojoba oil by simply warming the oil and slowly mixing in 2 or 3 tablespoons of the sulphur.
5. Aloe Bitters
This is yet another traditional remedy with a punch. Its bitter sap is choc full of powerful antioxidants and it possesses powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties and has a very rejuvenating effect on skin and healing wounds. It also contains compounds that are anti-diabetic, anti-stress and is a well-known remedy for constipation and keeping bowel movements regular.
A crystal the size of a matchstick head is all that’s needed (Note: not for use during pregnancy, see our products page for further contra-indications).
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those home remedies that’s so versatile it can make a difference to your life in a myriad of ways. From wart and acne scar treatment, to weight loss, detoxing, as a flu remedy or for an upset tummy, this remedy from the humble apple also helps alkalise your body, which is essential for good health.
Apple cider vinegar should be used in its most natural form to reap its health benefits, that is, it should contain the “mother”, the cloudy strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that result from its fermentation.
It’s rich in mineral, vitamins and enzymes that detox your liver, keep your pH balanced, treat pain and swelling and help clear up skin conditions. A tablespoon in water with a dash of raw honey one to three times a day can do wonders for your health.
7. Coconut Oil
Cooking with coconut oil is great for your health due to its many healthy fatty acids, but it has other health benefits too. Its antifungal, antibacterial and soothing effect makes it a great treatment for topical skin issues such as eczema and dandruff and its 3 different fatty acids (Caprylic Acid, Capric Acid, Lauric Acid) have each been found to be effective against Candida.
It’s also been found to speed up metabolism as its Medium Chain Fatty Acids are a ready source of energy for your liver. It has properties that protect against sun damage and has been used in the pacific for hundreds of years to help protect and moisturise skin.
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8. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil with its pleasant, clean smell is a staple to have in your first aid kit. It’s a super disinfectant for all manner of skin ailmemts, from cuts, scrapes, pimples, infections or fungal issues. It can even be used as a mouth wash to treat plaque and bleeding gums (not to be swallowed though!). It’s a very powerful oil and you should dilute it in water and use with care.
20 May, 2014, By Beulah This oil takes care of an earache/infection promptly when applying to the outside of the ear. Really impressed.
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9. Lugol’s Iodine
Iodine is a safe and effective natural antibiotic that also has anti-cancer properties. It essential to get enough iodine for your thyroid to function properly, especially if you have an underactive thyroid and need to lose weight. It’s a great remedy for mild food poisoning that’s also meant to help kill parasite eggs in your stomach and help alleviate gas, bloating and heartburn.
Simply add 6 drops of Lugol’s to half a glass of water and drink. (Please note if you have, or suspect you may have an iodine allergy please don’t take iodine! If you have thyroid issues always consult with a healthcare provider before taking Iodine).
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What are your favourite affordable home remedies? Share them with us in the comments below!
With Love from Faithful to Nature
Posted at 18:55h, 19 MarchThank you, Renee. After years of study to bounce back from foggy brain, low energy, etc., these solutions you recommend are right on the mark. The biggest for me were 1) high doses of lugol’s iodine, 2) apple cider vinegar and 3) rhodiola rosea, all three topical, on skin and ingested, swallowed.
Your website looks really nice.
I wish you all the best in spreading the good news.