28 Feb Are you properly hydrated?
Your body’s cells thrive on minerals, much like plants flourish in nutrient-rich soil. In today’s world, however, our water supplies often lack these vital minerals, making it a challenge for our cells to absorb pure water effectively.
Quinton & Totum are 100% natural supplements, brimming with all 78 essential minerals and electrolytes sourced directly from seawater. These supplements are designed to replenish your body’s mineral needs, ensuring each cell functions healthily and happily.
What is Quinton?
Quinton is a seawater-based mineral solution that mirrors the essential mineral and trace element composition of human blood plasma.
It contains all 78 essential minerals and trace elements in an ionic* form, making it highly bioavailable and beneficial.
Quinton’s minerals and trace elements support:
- Immune system
- Energy production
- Electrolyte balance
- Skin health
- Mood & mental health
- Performance & recovery
(*ionic = doesn’t need to go through your digestive system, they are immediately and naturally absorbed and utilised by your cells)
The Quinton range:
Quinton Isotonic
This solution provides an energy boost during periods of stress or intense physical activity and also enhances cognition for sharper focus.
Quinton Hypertonic
This solution provides an energy boost during periods of stress or intense physical activity and also enhances cognition for sharper focus.
Totum Sport
Get the perfect electrolyte balance with this workout supplement, designed for athletes. Made from 100% natural cold-filtered sea water, it’s doping-free and tested with top athletes. Simple, natural, and effective for your athletic needs.
The Totum range:
Totum Sport Electrolytes – Hypertonic Drink
This formula can help to maximise your athletic performance by boosting endurance, extending stamina and reducing cramps.
Totum Sport Nite – Isotonic Drink
This solution supports muscle recovery, hydrates the body, repairs tissue overnight and reduces inflammation.
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