If you’ve got a case of the “Winter Blues”, feeling sleepy, sluggish and depressed, you may be feeling the effects of “Kapha Season”.
The three Ayurvedic types, or Doshas, each relate to a certain combination of the five elements; Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether. The Kapha Dosha is ruled by the elements Water and Earth. Winter, so often characterised by damp soil, moist air and heavy rain, is therefore associated with Kapha.
We’ve been focusing on Ayurvedic healing recently, with a wealth of advice on the best diet, health care and beauty tips for your Dosha. The seasonal shifts and changes around you also play a big role in Ayurvedic wellbeing. As winter transitions into spring, we experience what is known in Ayurveda as Kapha Season; this is a time where the Kapha Dosha can easily become unbalanced, excessive or aggravated.