03 Sep Boosting Baby With Superfood Purees
Motherhood is a miracle and the time with my now 9 month old son, Cassian, is just flying past too quickly. Having decided to keep Cassian vegan and mostly raw has been an exciting choice as I consider the potential we can reach with his health and the foods he is raised on, but I must admit there were times when I felt the weight of the responsibility in giving him a balanced diet in light of these choices. That is, until I recently started playing with the superfoods in our warehouse. Now that I have started supplementing his diets in this way I am really taking such joy from feeding him.
I wanted to share some of the ways I am using our foods to boost his growth. He is still being breastfed throughout the day and night, and this makes up the bulk of his nutritional intake. I am not a nutritionist, so please use these recipes in addition to your own research – the intention here is really to inspire you to even more creative ways to feed your much loved babas.
Lucuma; Date and Chia Porridge
Chai has a spectacular nutritional profile as it a near complete food, providing essential protein, fats and carbohydrates, as well as a wide array of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. In particular, it has an excellent ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 of 3:2 making it a great anti-inflammatory food. I add organic Lucuma powder for its immune boosting benefits and my babes just loves the creamy sweet taste of this fruit. Our organic pitted dates are also a great addition for fibre; B-vitamins and vital minerals like iron, copper and manganese.
And then depending on what fruit we have in the house, I usually add fresh organic papaya; pear or banana.
Instructions for Superfood Purees:
– Soak the chia seeds for 10 minutes – I usually add 2 cups of filtered or spring water to half a cup chia seed
– Blend the chai seeds and water until the mixture starts to go creamy.
– Add a few dates and 3 tablespoons of lucuma powder into the blender.
– This blend will keep for a few days so I usually decant it into a glass bowl and keep it in the fridge and then only add the fruit per meal. The fruit can be blended or mushed into the porridge.
Next up is the Butternut; Chickpea; Coconut Milk; Cashew Nut and Lucuma Puree – watch this space for more details.
Posted at 08:50h, 28 JulyPlease provide more recipes…. my 1 year old is really struggling with digestion and specifically proteins so I am excited to try this chia superfood puree with her!