15 Dec Dried Pomegranate Arils & Organic Chickpea Salad
Salad Ingredients 3 LARGE handful of spinach, washed and chopped 1 cup organic chickpeas 150ml of dried pomegranate arils ½ cup organic raisins A handful ...
Salad Ingredients 3 LARGE handful of spinach, washed and chopped 1 cup organic chickpeas 150ml of dried pomegranate arils ½ cup organic raisins A handful ...
Replace lamb burger patties with your favourite veggie burgers. The Patty 1 onion, finely chopped organic olive oil, for frying 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 1 organic egg, beaten ¼ cup (60ml) organic oats 1 Tbsp (15ml) ground cumin 500g free range lamb mince or veggie alternative like 500g chickpeas 1/3 cup (80ml) chopped...
Great served for breakfast or with a bowl of hot soup. Ingredients: 5 cups (750g) organic unbleached white or spelt flour 2 tsp (10ml) salt 1 packet (10g) instant yeast 1 ¼ cup (310ml) warm water ¼ cup (60ml) milk Filling: 1 jar Totally Wild Aloe Pickle 2-3 cups grated mature cheddar or other...
Piece the thickest part of the gammon with a skewer. If the skewer glides in easily with little resistance the gammon is cooked through. Ingredients 1 smoked free-range gammon 2 L ginger beer 1 organic onion, quartered 1 organic carrot, chopped 2 bay leaves 1 Tbsp (15ml) fennel seeds Glaze 1 jar Kuhestan...
Vetiver is one of the most widely used but least appreciated essential oils and grasses. The botanical name is Vetiveria Zizanoides and it is fondly known as the “Oil of Tranquility”. Vetiver is a tall, dense grass with long narrow leaves and a strand of underground...
Kuhestan is the Farsi (Persian) word meaning “land of mountains”. The name was chosen as the farm is situated at the very top of the mountainous Magoebaskloof pass in the Limpopo Province. Kuhestan Organic Farm Products started on a normal day in February 2008, as a...
[caption id="attachment_481" align="alignright" width="200" caption="organic cocao smoothie"][/caption] Finally we're telling you what you've been wanting to hear your whole lives and deep down knew to be true… CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR YOU! Yes!...
This delicious shake is a great way to take in some essential, vital and tasy organic vitamins, herbs and minerals before you face the day and be the change you want to see in others. 1 x Banana – Banana is great because it balances the...
Women have been using Jojoba oil as a beauty treatment for decades, if not centuries. Jojoba (Simmodsia Chinensis) is a perennial evergreen Shrub originally found in the desert regions of the southwest United States and north-western Mexico. The seeds of the jojoba plant are crushed...
Ever wondered why the people of the pacific islands are so renowned for their natural healthy hair and skin? It’s thanks to the fruit of the coconut tree, whose life-giving oil and milk have bestowed vitality and beauty to the skin and hair of all...