Ash-WHAT? Ash-wa-gan-dha. Classified as an adaptogen; that helps the body manage stress. Ashwagandha has been used for over 3000 years to relieve stress, increase energy levels and improve concentration. INGREDIENTS: Serves: 1 1 cup almond milk1 tsp ashwagandha powder2 pinches cloves 2 pinches nutmeg1 tsp cinnamon1 tsp...

Exercise Scientist & Injury Prevention Specialist, Lindsay Starling, Tells us How to Stick to Our Fitness Resolutions It's been one month of diving head first into your new year’s resolutions, including those two resolutions which seem to find themselves at the top of the list...

A Word From our 2018 #IamFaithfultoNature ambassador: Khaya This past year of being the #IAmFaithfultoNature ambassador has been quite something. Through working with FTN I met so many inspiring, driven individuals and companies forming a part of the change the world needs. 2018 was a year...