
Colour is a complex language in its own right, communicating with us on a visual, symbolic and cultural level. From the red and green of city traffic lights, to the rainbow plumage of a peacock’s tail, colour in the natural and man-made world is loaded with meaning. In fact, colour plays such a powerful role in our lives that concepts like colour psychology and colour therapy have become increasingly popular. Colour can have a big impact on your emotions and state of mind; this in turn affects your physical state and your overall wellbeing. That means that simply by surrounding yourself with particular colour on the spectrum, you can give your mood – and overall health – a real boost! Whether you’re decorating your home, beautifying your workspace or simply choosing what to wear, certain colour palettes can work wonders for the atmosphere you create. Let’s take a look at the secret language of the rainbow – what colours mean to us, and how to harness their positive effects.

Loving the skin you’re in is so easy when you give your body the right nutrition. Your skin is your body’s largest organ; it covers about 2 square meters (22 square feet) of space; it’s full of touch and pain receptors, a variety specialised cells and home to its very own microbiome of around 1000 bacteria species! Skin is super-special, and it’s so very important that you give it the care it needs. Skincare isn’t just about caring for the outside with cleansers, lotions and oils; it starts with feeding your skin from the inside out, by following the right sort of diet for your individual skin type. Faithful to Nature has put together a handy guide to help you eat right for your skin’s needs.


Those common aches, pains and irritations might be a bother, but did you know they’re actually allies in the fight against illness? Your body has an amazingly complex “alarm system”, a way of sending early warning signals to alert you to common ailments. The key to good health is listening to your body, and treating the underlying cause of these common symptoms. Here's a list of the most common signs your body might be sending you - plus our top product picks for treating those common ailments.


If you’ve got a case of the “Winter Blues”, feeling sleepy, sluggish and depressed, you may be feeling the effects of “Kapha Season”. The three Ayurvedic types, or Doshas, each relate to a certain combination of the five elements; Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether. The Kapha Dosha is ruled by the elements Water and Earth. Winter, so often characterised by damp soil, moist air and heavy rain, is therefore associated with Kapha. We’ve been focusing on Ayurvedic healing recently, with a wealth of advice on the best diet, health care and beauty tips for your Dosha. The seasonal shifts and changes around you also play a big role in Ayurvedic wellbeing. As winter transitions into spring, we experience what is known in Ayurveda as Kapha Season; this is a time where the Kapha Dosha can easily become unbalanced, excessive or aggravated.


Ayurveda, the ancient study of life and wellness, provides you with all the tools to keep your body and mind in healthy harmony. As you already know, diet plays a huge role in your wellbeing; following Ayurvedic principles when it comes to food will help you nourish yourself with the right kind of fuel to enjoy better health and balance. Depending on your Ayurvedic type, or Dosha, you’ll have a specific set of dietary requirements to stay healthy. (Pssst… Wondering what your dominant Dosha is? Check out our Ayurvedic Type blog post and take the quiz to find out!) Did You Know? You possess a blend of all three Doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha – but you’ll usually find that one is more dominant than the others. Those with an even balance of two Doshas are bidoshic, and those with an equal blend of all three are tridoshic.


Big transitions in life are often fraught with anxiety and discomfort, but they almost always lead to something really beautiful. We believe menopause is no different; and to make your journey less rocky, we have a variety of products for natural menopausal support. These remedies will help to keep you as comfortable as possible while your balance shifts and finds itself again. During the process of menopause, these products from Faithful to Nature will help you with every stage of your day, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night.

We all know how great we feel after a good night’s sleep – but many of us find a night of quality shut-eye is hard to come by. If you’ve been struggling with insomnia, you’ll be pleased to know there are plenty of natural alternatives to sleeping pills; these remedies will soon have your sleeping patterns back on track. Plus there are so many simple healthy habits you can adopt to make counting sheep a thing of the past!

The gut is an extremely complex and intelligent creature that thrives on balance. It is like a universe in itself, home to more bacteria and strains of yeast than you could ever try count and when these beneficial bacteria in the digestive track get out of balance, problems begin. In particular, the nastiest of invaders are parasites. They can enter the body through food, drink, contact with animals or infected person, or even just skin contact, and parasite infections can last for years. Parasites are extremely sneaky little invaders too – symptoms of their presence can be counter-intuitive and thus many problems caused by parasites are treated incorrectly, and thus poor health persists.

Looking at the natural sweetener alternatives over the refined sugars that we see on the shelves of so many shopping malls. There are a number of fairly new natural sweeteners on the block that are dubbed calorie-free and carbohydrate-free. These plant derivatives and sugar alcohols taste as good as sugar, but due to the way they have been absorbed, they result in a much slower and smaller rise in blood sugar and insulin. Do be careful though when choosing foods containing these substitutes – the actual sweeteners may be better for you, but they are often added to food high in saturated fats, which defeats the benefits of using these sweeteners.