
From the moment you feel that brand-new little life growing inside of you, you’ll want to do everything you can to keep yourself and baby healthy throughout your pregnancy. Of course, with so much conflicting advice out there, choosing the right supplements can feel like a daunting task! Our green team is home to some wonderful natural mamas and moms-to-be, who will all tell you that natural is best. So, here’s a look at our top natural product picks to help you enjoy a truly happy, healthy and exciting pregnancy!

eco-nappies Being a new parent means facing amazing new challenges, a ton of excitement and joy, a long stretch of sleepless nights and of course – nappies, nappies and still more nappies! Your baby’s first years of life will be spent wearing diapers, and while the most committed eco-warriors among us stick to 100% cloth nappies, most of us find it a lot more practical to use disposables, at least some of the time. However, not all disposable diapers are created equal – the ordinary brands you’ll find on supermarket shelves are simply loaded with chemicals, colours and fragrances. Here’s a look at some of the common “hidden nasties” cropping up in commercial diaper brands today. Rest assured you’ll find none of these lurking in the nappies sold by Faithful to Nature!

I am so excited to have found this awesome activity and recipe and even more excited about the fantastic blog I found it on - a big thanks to the special mama who shared it in the first place. This homemade fizzing sidewalk chalk is a...

Why is it Such an Effective Teething Necklace? We’ve recently added a few varieties of the teething necklace to our website, and again and again I get asked, but how does it work? How can a gemstone necklace sooth babies niggling gums? Well, real amber is...