Taking collagen has become a game-changer for so many people. This structural protein, after all, literally holds us together as the main structural component of our skin. But as we get older, our levels of collagen will inevitably decline. So how does it decline and...

Every month, the symptoms begin like clockwork. A surge of menstrual-related hormones might result in blemishes appearing along your chin and forehead. Some women complain about swollen joints while others experience extreme nausea. Food cravings and the fluctuation of emotions are universal. Menstrual cramps are agonising....

It is always fascinating to me how much time and money gets spent on all kinds of aesthetic self-care, but so little on our not-quite-so-visible sexual self-care.    We take out expensive gym contracts, spend a small fortune on hair and body products and are very happy...

Most, if not all, of us understand that regular exercise is a great way to maintain health and vitality. An added advantage to weekly spinning or Pilates classes is looking great in your favourite pair of jeans or rocking your swimsuit on the beach. Anyone...