27 Feb Dress Like Your Favourite Celebs and Save The World
For many of us, fashion is the expression of self. It is the vehicle with which we can communicate our mood and personality to the world. When you are feeling particularly perky you might wear a striking top or a pair of memorable shoes. On days that you’re not feeling your best, jeans and any old T-shirt will do. I love the pageantry of fashion because, in many ways, it feels like playing dress-up. Making an impression, however, will never supersede my commitment to being environmentally responsible.
Luckily, there are a number of clothing manufacturers lending a helping hand to fashion-orientated individuals who want to save the world and still look cute while doing it.
Cotton is the most prevalent material in most of the clothing items we all wear. This is why incorporating sustainably sourced cotton has jumped to the top of most eco-friendly manufacturers’ list of priorities. Clothing brands are committing to supporting cotton farms that not only use water responsibly but also consider biodiversity and the health of their soil when growing cotton. Farms that have also reduced their use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides, even replacing them with more earth-friendly products are being used as cotton suppliers. It doesn’t stop there. Brands are also seeking out cotton farms that value their laborers through fair compensation and socio-economic empowerment.
You might be aware that H&M Group have stocked organic and/or recycled cotton items through their Conscious Exclusive Collection for years. They’ve launched a garment collection initiative whereby customers can bring in a bag of unused clothes and materials, in return, you are offered a 10% – 20% coupon on an item of clothing.
A trendsetter in the eco-fashion game, the Swedish retailer comes in as the third most eco-friendly brand – being beaten out by IKEA for second place, according to the Sustainable Cotton Ranking. Adidas has recently stormed into the lead as they now get 100% of their cotton from sustainable sources.
These are just a few of the global giants leading the pack when it comes to sustainable fashion. There are also smaller local brands and influential individuals proving that fashion needn’t be gluttonous or wasteful. US representative and activist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was recently criticised for wearing a designer dress on a daytime TV show. She is seen as a ‘politician of the people’, so the act of seeing her in an expensive dress is a perceived act of hypocrisy. AOC, as she is affectionately known, tweeted in response,
“Yep! I rent, borrow, and thrift my clothes. (It’s also environmentally sustainable!) The [New York] Post is just mad that you can look good fighting for working families. Sequins are a great accessory to universal healthcare, don’t you agree?”
You can do the same much closer to home too. If you’re not thrifting vintage apparel, there are a number of garment renters including Best Friend’s Closet and Little Borrowed Dress that will help you put your best fashion foot forward for important events. Essentially, just as you would when shopping online, flip through the catalog of available items. When you find something you’d like to use, order the item – bearing in mind that you have to give the company at least five days lead time (they might be waiting for the apparel to be returned). You will then be billed on the duration you’d like to rent the dress, skirt or trousers for.
We’ve also put together our ultimate guide to being the thriftiest thrifter out there – check it out.
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