11 Nov Getting to Know Amy Ayanda: Artists Collection

Like us, Amy Ayanda is inspired by the natural world – as a multi-talented artist & creative, she uses inspiration from local landscapes to create art that tells a story about longing, belonging, & coming home. We teamed up with Amy to create our very first Artist’s Collection – a limited time offer & the perfect gift for loved ones this season. Titled “The Giver” – it symbolizes our human instinct to care, connect & give back to the community around us. Plus, we’ll be auctioning off a once-off print on social media, with proceeds going towards The Zoe Project, for moms & moms-to-be in need – a cause close to Amy’s heart.
For our pleasure & yours, we got to know more about the artist making meaningful work that’s up for interpretation.
For Amy, Nature is Heritage.
“My great grandmother was a Hessiqua woman who came from Genadendal & bought land in Constantia. Her farm grew cut flowers. The land was taken from them during the racial zoning of Apartheid. My connection to nature comes from my heritage & the deep connection I have to the women in my family.”
Around the Best of Nature, Indigenous Identities Can Still Feel Lost.
“Even when I am in a space which is completely breathtaking there is always a part of my mind that goes to, who owns this? & usually, there is a mansion built – unless it’s protected. There is still a feeling of, this space will never truly be ours again – we are just visiting. But with the community – walking together, speaking about their heritage & identities, preferably within this space, there is comfort. The Constantia Heritage & Education Project does a lot of this important work.”

A Modern Society Connected to Nature is Important
“There is so much about nature that we do not understand & it is our job to try to become acquainted with its intricacies & secrets so that we can protect it. So that we can enjoy it & create with it.”
Sustainable Living is a Broader Definition for Amy.
“Besides the practical ways in which we live, growing a garden, lessening our footprint. I like to think that through my art, telling stories & creating community is one of my strengths when it comes to sustainability. There is so much I want to do in our home, like grow more (we are getting chickens soon hopefully too!) & I think that comes with my maternal instincts of being home, creating rhythm & wanting free eggs.”
Living Sustainably in South Africa Isn’t Top of Mind – It Means Doing What We Can.
“I think South Africa, like many countries in the world, is broken in many ways. The work starts in the home, & unfortunately, there are too many broken homes due to our past. There are people doing the work, which is where others – if they have the resources – need to continue to support & uplift. “
Art Comes to Life On Faithful to Nature.
“There really is magic when you see your work on a product, it changes the way in which your work is seen but also makes space for new ideas. I have always been mildly obsessed with Faithful to Nature & am always browsing away finding what I’ll get next – so, it’s awesome to know something we worked on together will be on the store.”
More On The Zoe Project
“I’ve known about the Zoe Project for a while now, but only recently went into their space for a counselling session & antenatal class. It is incredible; they focus on providing free support to vulnerable women in the Western Cape; delivering programmes in order to support individuals that are suffering from poverty, violence, substance abuse & any issue related to pregnancy. The Zoe Project’s programme model is a holistic approach to achieving good maternal & infant health care – focusing on the first 1000 days of a baby’s life & supporting a mother through pregnancy, birth, infant care as well as other social services including adoption, counselling & substance abuse support.”
Supporting the Zoe Project
Love the artwork and the artist? We’ll be auctioning off a once-off print of Amy Ayanda’s ‘The Giver’ with all proceeds donated to the Zoe Project. More details coming soon.
Posted at 10:14h, 18 NovemberWHY DID AMY GET THOSE SHOES!! They are beautiful!!