Have You Heard Of Vitamin DAKE?

Vitamin DAKE is not a single vitamin but a term that refers to the dream team of vitamins D, A, K and E. While each vitamin is unique, this grouping emphasises their combined importance in maintaining overall health – Vitamin D for bone health and immune function, vitamin A for vision and skin, vitamin K for blood clotting and bone metabolism, and vitamin E for its antioxidant properties protecting our cells. Discover more about these powerhouse vitamins and find new favourites to add to your lifestyle!

Vitamin D 
Known as the ‘sunshine vitamin’, vitamin D assists the body with absorbing calcium and phosphorus, promoting strong bones and a healthy immune system. It also plays a vital role in enhancing mood and mental well-being by increasing serotonin, our mood-regulating hormone. 

Top picks:

New Leaf Vitamin D3 & K2 High Strength

  • Works to maintain muscle function
  • Aids absorption of calcium & phosphorus
  • Supports the maintenance of bones & teeth

NOW Foods Mega D-3 & MK-7

  • Contains vitamin D3 & K2
  • Supports cardiovascular system & immune system
  • Aids proper calcium metabolism in blood vessels & arteries

Metagenics D3 1000 – 60 Tablets

  • Promotes brain tissue health
  • Helps to reduce high blood pressure
  • Helps to reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes

Phytoceutics® Phytomist® Vitamin D3 Oral Spray

  • Aids calcium absorption
  • Helps to maintain healthy bones & teeth
  • Offers optimal absorption directly into the bloodstream

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient vital for supporting healthy vision, skin and immune function. Commonly found in supplements like retinol, retinal, retinyl palmitate and beta-carotene, it aids cell growth and protects the body against infections. 

Top picks:

Terranova Beta Carotene Complex

  • Supports vision, skin & cardiovascular health
  • Can help to maintain eyesight & foster night vision
  • Contains antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties

Sally-Ann Creed ImmunoDerm Complex

  • Acne support supplement
  • Helps with common nutritional deficiencies
  • Natural anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-oxidant

Vitamin K
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone health. It is often listed as vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), vitamin K2 (menaquinone) and vitamin K3 (menadione). It supports the maintenance of strong bones and helps prevent heart disease by regulating calcium deposition.

Top picks:

Phytoceutics® Phytomist® Vitamin D3 & K2 Oral Spray

  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Aids absorption and use of calcium & phosphorus
  • Offers optimal absorption directly into the bloodstream

Neogenesis Pure D3 + K2 Forte

  • High potency vitamin D3 & K2 supplement
  • Aids proper absorption of minerals
  • Helps to relieve stress & fight depression

Viridian Vitamin K2 50ug

  • Promotes skeletal health
  • Supports optimal bone density
  • Can regulate calcium levels

Nordic Naturals Vitamin D3 + K2 Gummies

  • Easily absorbed & bioavailable
  • Helps balance calcium & phosphorous in blood
  • Promotes healthy bone maintenance & muscle function

Vitamin E
Vitamin E, often listed as tocopherol in supplements, is a key antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and is vital for maintaining cell integrity and overall well-being. It enhances skin health, reduces UV damage and supports cardiovascular and immune system function. 

Top picks:

Terranova Vitamin E Complex

  • Contains antioxidant properties
  • Supports skin & cognitive health
  • Helps to protect cells from oxidative stress

Viridian Natural Vitamin E

  • Supports immune function
  • Protects the body against free radicals
  • Fights against chronic viral illnesses
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