23 Feb Baby Talk: Spotlight on Healthy Baby Feeding Tips
Feeding your baby is a wonderful bonding experience for parents, whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or starting the exciting transition to baby’s first solid foods. At Faithful to Nature, we believe that a naturally nourished baby is a healthy, happy baby; and we want to make it as easy as possible for moms and dads to provide balanced, wholesome nourishment. Read on to learn more about healthy baby feeding habits, tips for introducing solids and a look at our wholesome baby porridge range. Plus we have some yummy, easy recipes your little one will love.
Feeding at 0-4 Months
Breastfeeding your baby is recommended exclusively for the first 6 months; although some babies might start weaning earlier (from 4 months onwards). We believe that breast is best; but of course not all moms are able to breastfeed, and in these cases baby should be on a natural infant formula, with supervision from the family health care practitioner. Baby shouldn’t be eating any solids at all before 4 months; only breast milk and/ or formula should be ingested.
Feeding at 4-6 Months
Around this time, most babies start to wean (withdrawing from mom’s supply of milk), although some moms may prefer to breastfeed for longer depending on their parenting style. At this age, baby’s digestive system is able to produce the enzymes needed to digest a wider variety of foods. It’s generally best to let baby take the lead here; take your time and introduce soft solid foods slowly, and look out for signs that baby is ready to make this change in feeding habits.
When is Baby Ready to Start Solids?
Your little one’s behaviour will give you plenty of clues that he or she is ready to start solid foods.
- Sitting up well without needing support; holding head up well.
- No longer using the “tongue-thrust reflex” (which involves automatically push solids out of the mouth with the tongue).
- Showing signs of being willing to chew.
- Developing a “pincer” grip, picking up food or other objects between the thumb and forefinger.
- Baby might also start showing interest in mom & dad’s foods, trying to grab & eat food off your plate!
Top Tips for Introducing Solids
- Never leave baby unsupervised while eating; pay close attention to baby and watch out for signs of choking.
- Start by offering just a few pieces or teaspoons of food, once a day.
- Be sure to start off with soft mashed or cooked foods; fruits and veggies are ideal.
- Cool hot food and test the temperature before giving it to your baby.
- Let your baby enjoy touching and holding the food.
- Allow baby to feed him or herself by hand, as soon as you notice an interest in this.
- When using a spoon, wait for baby to open their mouth before offering the food. Your baby might like to try holding the spoon too.
- Don’t force your baby to feed, simply wait until the next mealtime if he or she isn’t interested this time around.
- Very importantly – avoid feeding your baby solid foods that contain processed sugars, preservatives and additives.
Try our Organic Baby Porridge Range
Our new Holle baby porridges are made with whole grains, which are rich in nutrients and easy for little tummies to digest. The best thing about these baby cereals is their versatility; you can serve them with breast milk, formula, dairy or non-dairy milk, or simply with water.
Feeding baby is such an amazing opportunity to bond! Enjoy your time with your little one as he or she discovers the joy of new flavours and textures. And remember to keep things healthy, with our range of natural tableware and organic baby foods.
Fun with First Foods!
These baby food recipes are so easy to make, plus they’re full of nutrients and a great way to introduce baby to new tastes and textures.
- 120g sweet potato
- 1 medium carrot
- 25g cheddar cheese
- Peel & dice the sweet potato & carrot.
- Grate the cheddar cheese.
- Boil the vegetables together until just tender.
- Add the cheese & mash by hand or purée in a blender.
- 2Tbsp rolled oats
- 150ml breast milk, dairy milk or formula
- 1-2Tbsp puréed banana
- Combine the milk & oats in a bowl; microwave on high for 2-3 minutes.
- Stir well, leave to thicken & cool for 1-2 minutes.
- Stir in the banana until you have a creamy & delicious mix.
Cecilia Teixeira
Posted at 09:42h, 13 AugustHi
The generalisation of introducing solids to all babies including breastfed babies by the age of 4 months is not appropriate according to the WHO. For scientific and research based reasons and due to their immature gut breastfed babies should only be introduced to solids around 6 months.
A very important sign of readiness has been left out and that is a baby needs a tooth … this shows that they are ready to chew.
Also, breastfed babies need to be breastfed first and then offered solids if they are interested. Breastmilk remains a babies primary source of food well into their second year.
If you do your research you will find that babies are unable to digest carbohydrates before the age of 2. Once their molars come in then their bodies provide the enzymes to digest carbohydrates. Thus advertising highly processed foods a such as porridge is not only misleading but unfortunately … no matter how organic … does not provide necessary nutrients for a growing baby.
There is a view that introducing solids made of fresh fruit and vegetables as close to their organic state as possible for FORMULA fed babies at the age of 4 months might be more beneficial for FORMULA fed babies than giving them FORMULA. This does not hold true for BREASTFED babies.
Posted at 10:17h, 13 AugustVery disappointed in this article and with the photo that you chose to use, especially given the title HEALTHY feeding tips and the fact that it is International Breastfeeding Month.
The World Health Organisation as well as our own Health department recommends exclusively breastfeeding until 6 months and no solids should be introduced before this age. Furthermore the World Health Organisation recommends continued breastfeeding until baby is at least two years old and thereafter as long as is mutually desired by mom and baby. The research backing this recommendation up is overwhelming and I am very concerned that your article seems to indicate that breastmilk is no longer necessary after the introduction of solids. Until the age of one milk forms the primary source of nutrition for babies, solids are merely complimentary to this.
Chevaun Roux
Posted at 11:10h, 13 AugustThank you so much for raising your concern Marisa. In light of what you have said and to ensure that future readers don’t get confused from the article image we have changed it to be more representative of the content.
Posted at 10:27h, 13 AugustFaithful to nature isn’t faithful to nature this time. August is breastfeeding awareness month and you decided to use a picture of a bottle fed baby instead of a breastfeeding baby. Yet the subject in your newsletter is breastfeeding?…..
Further more WHO states that babies should be exclusively breastfed until 6 months old when solids can be introduced. WHO also promotes breastfeeding until the age of 2 YEARS. I have not heard of a baby who self weaned at 4 months old.
I am going to go ahead and assume that this is in fact not about breastfeeding or the virgin gut of a young infant but a clever marketing strategy? Come on Faithful to nature you should know better! And if you don’t then perhaps talk to someone who does.