26 Mar Healthy Baobab Chocolate Egg Bombs
Homemade healthy Easter eggs with baobab superfood chocolate!
Easter gets a bad rap for being such a sugar laden holiday, but in truth, it’s what you make of it. To help you keep this Easter on the healthier side, and also give the kids some entertainment, here’s a fun recipe for healthy Easter eggs – homemade baobab superfood chocolate egg bombs. You’ll need a little bit of patience and nimble fingers but we’re sure the results (and pleasantly absent sugar crash) will be worth it.
(makes 10 eggs)
For the chocolate shells
2 tbsp of unrefined coconut oil
3 tbsp of Raw Cacao
10 Hollowed out egg shells
For the superfood filling
5 tbsp of Earthtribe Baobab Powder
3 tbsp of raw cacao
3 tbsp of sesame seeds
4 tbsp of chia seeds
4 tbsp of sunflower seeds
4 tbsp of pumpkin seeds
1 handful dates
3 tbsp of macadamia nut butter
2 tbsp of oats
- You are going to step into a mindfulness meditation as you work with egg shells so keep calm.
- Your number one priority is to keep your egg shells intact so take your eggs and gently make a hole in the bottom. You can use the tip of a sharp knife to make a 2 cm hole. Empty the egg into a glass for future uses. Rinse the shells nicely and place them to dry.
- Take 3 tablespoons of raw cacao and mix it with 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. Place it on a pan and heat it very gently at low temperature for a few minutes. It should be looking like melted chocolate. If you have a sweet tooth, add some natural sweetener now.
- This is the fun part. Pour one teaspoon of the cacao mix into each one of the shells. You need to make sure the cacao covers the shells in the inside. Place all your shells in the fridge for half hour.
- Take all your seeds, dates, nut butter, 3 tablespoons of cacao and 5 tablespoons of Earthtribe Baobab Powder. Pour all the goodies in your blender until all ingredients are nicely blended together in a tick paste. Work it with your hands to add the much needed love.
- Take your egg shells and fill them up with the superfood mix. Press gently with your fingertip so that the mix is tight together inside the shell.
- Place it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
Now you’re ready for a healthy, happy egg hunt!
Maureen Cram
Posted at 11:31h, 27 MarchPlease please please find a way to make these without using egg shells. I can’t even bring myself to read the recipe as the egg shells are too disturbing to look at. Sorry :(.
Jacs Bate
Posted at 07:42h, 13 AprilYou can get chocolate moulds (like these: https://www.gumtree.co.za/a-antiques-collectables/blouberg/easter-macrolon-chocolate-moulds-molds/1001944451220910219591209)
No eggs needed 🙂