Manuka Honey

This Wonder Honey is All You Need in Your Medicine Box

I am positive that you will be as blow away as we are by the benefits of using Manuka Honey for med­i­c­i­nal pur­poses, both inter­nally and top­i­cally on the skin. The bee hive is truly the medicine store of nature, but this particular variation of honey is in a class of its own. It may come as no surprise that this natural gift from Mother Earth is being con­sid­ered as an out per­former to antibi­otics and tra­di­tional forms of medicine.

Manuka Honey comes from the nec­tar of the Manuka Bush (Lep­tosper­mum sco­par­ium). This bush is indige­nous to New Zealand and thrives in the wild, uncul­ti­vated lands of this pol­lu­tion free envi­ron­ment. Manuka has been used by the Maori peo­ple of New Zealand for many centuries.

What makes Manuka Honey so unique and effec­tive is the level of antibac­te­r­ial effi­ciency it has to fight bac­te­ria. This wonder honey even tack­les antibi­otic resis­tant strains of bac­te­ria which are a grow­ing prob­lem the world over and fur­ther stud­ies have found that Manuka Honey con­tains very pow­er­ful antibac­te­r­ial, antimi­cro­bial, antivi­ral, antiox­i­dant, anti­sep­tic, anti-inflammatory and anti­fun­gal prop­er­ties, mak­ing it extremely effec­tive in treat­ing a wide vari­ety of health conditions.

All honey con­tains hydro­gen per­ox­ide in vary­ing lev­els. This is pro­duced when the bee adds enzymes to the nec­tar. In honey, hydro­gen per­ox­ide is released in a slow-release man­ner that is strong enough to be effec­tive in destroy­ing bac­te­ria but low enough to not harm tissue.

What makes Manuka dif­fer­ent and so unique is that it con­tains plant-derived com­po­nents such as methyl­gly­oxal – this is referred to as the Unique Manuka Fac­tor – this is, in turn what deter­mines the strength of the Manuka Honey.

Bac­te­ria have the abil­ity to mutate and become resis­tant to ele­ments that are attempt­ing to destroy them, such as antibi­otics. How­ever, Manuka Honey destroys bac­te­ria in a dif­fer­ent man­ner, by draw­ing water out of the bac­te­ria, mak­ing it impos­si­ble for the microbes to sur­vive. To date, there has been no reported bac­terium that has been able to develop a resis­tance to Manuka Honey.

Research has shown that Manuka Honey pro­vides an opti­mum germ-free moist wound-healing envi­ron­ment which sup­ports and facil­i­tates the nat­ural heal­ing of vari­cose and skin ulcers, dia­betic ulcers, pres­sure sores, wounds, burns, boils, cracked skin, cuts and grazes.

In summary, Manuka Honey will rapidly clear all bacteria from sore throats to acne. It also diffuses deeply into the skin tissues so that it reaches deep seated infections. It also does not require oxy­gen, so it can remain effec­tive even when smoth­ered by wound dress­ings or in wound cavities. The osmotic effect of honey will also lift the dirt out of the wound bed.

Manuka honey also reduces scar­ring as the honey draws body flu­ids and nutri­ents to the wound area and so assists cell growth and pre­vents a scar form­ing as the wound is kept moist.

Apart from providing nutri­ents (vit­a­mins, min­er­als and amino acids) to tissues, Manuka Honey also pro­motes more rapid heal­ing because the honey stim­u­lates tis­sue regen­er­a­tion. Angio­gen­e­sis is stim­u­lated new blood ves­sel growth giv­ing oxy­gen and nutri­ents to the tis­sues. Fibrob­last growth is stim­u­lated by hydro­gen per­ox­ide. Epithe­lial cell growth is stim­u­lated because these cells grow level with the skin so that no scab is formed and so there is no scar­ring and hypertrophication. Finally, in terms of rapid healing, the acid­ity of Manuka honey releases oxy­gen from haemo­glo­bin new grow­ing cells need oxy­gen. Honey stim­u­lates the white blood cells.

How to Use Manuka Honey

For Gen­eral Well Being and Energy:

Manuka Honey can be taken inter­nally for gen­eral wellbeing by tak­ing three tea­spoons (21g) per day.

It has no addi­tives and is safe to have as much as you like when­ever you like

For Sore Throats and Colds:

  • When the first feel­ing of a cold is felt take a tea­spoon of Manuka Honey from every few hours.

For Diges­tive Care, Duo­de­nal and Stom­ach Ulcer Relief:

  • Take a tea­spoon to a table­spoon of Manuka Honey three to four times a day, ide­ally one hour before meals and again at bedtime.
  • Try have noth­ing to drink imme­di­ately after hav­ing the honey so as not to dilute the honey .
  • Hav­ing the honey on bread, toast or a cracker holds the honey in the stom­ach for as long as possible.
  • It is pure honey so it does not inter­fere with reg­u­lar medications.
  • Adjust your amount and fre­quency to suit your own needs. Most peo­ple start off with a gen­er­ous amount of honey ini­tially and then reduce it as they feel it warranted.

For Wound Care such as Burns, Cuts, Grazes, Ulcers and Infections:

  • Spread the honey gen­er­ously and evenly on to a clean dress­ing pad ensur­ing there is enough honey for a gen­er­ous cov­er­age of wound sur­face and any sur­round­ing inflammation.
  • Apply to the full sur­face of a clean wound. Cover well.
  • Use about 1 table­spoon of honey to a 5cm wound.
  • The dress­ing should extend beyond the edges of the wound and any sur­round­ing inflamed area.
  • It is best to apply the honey to the dress­ing to avoid dam­ag­ing the wound.
  • For skin ulcers and large wounds a dress­ing with a water­proof back­ing is preferable.
  • Change the dress­ing at least once a day, if pos­si­ble. Change more fre­quently (up to three times a day) if the wound is weep­ing a lot. The exu­da­tion of fluid (weep­ing) reduces as the wound heals, so less fre­quent dress­ing changes may be needed later when there could be a few days between changes.
  • If the dress­ing sticks to the wound this usu­ally indi­cates that more fre­quent changes of dress­ing are needed or that not enough honey is being used. Be sure to use plenty of honey.
  • Water­proof dress­ings are bet­ter as they keep more of the honey in con­tact with the wound. Absorbent dress­ings soak the honey away from the wound. Adhe­sive tape or ban­dages can be used to hold the dress­ings in place.
  • Pres­sure ban­dag­ing is used over the honey dress­ing for vari­cose ulcers.
  • Abscesses, cav­i­ties and depres­sions in the wound bed are filled with honey before apply­ing the honey dressed pad, so that there is honey con­tact with the wound bed.
  • Some­times tran­sient sting­ing may be expe­ri­enced after honey is applied. This is due to the acid­ity of the honey. The acid­ity is part of the way in which honey stim­u­lates heal­ing. Usu­ally the sting­ing is tran­sient and soon sub­sides. Use of honey should be dis­con­tin­ued if the sting­ing is severe. Some peo­ple have stopped using the honey for a short while and then find no prob­lems when they recom­mence using the honey.
  • Be sure to use a clean and ster­ile spat­ula for spread­ing the honey and clean, ster­ile dressings.
  • Heal­ing results may be slowed by under­ly­ing con­di­tions such as poor blood cir­cu­la­tion or diabetes.

You can buy Manuka Honey by visiting our online organic and natural shop


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