11 Jul Month 1: Finding Out I Was Pregnant
Hello baby!
Whether you’ve been trying for months, or unexpectedly see those 2 blue lines… Finding out you’re pregnant is a surprise, every single time. Round number 3 was our biggest yet! Don’t get me wrong, Ava was planned, prayed and hoped for but after experiencing some health issues we were told another baby wouldn’t be in our near future. Well, we sure proved those doctors wrong.
Ava is our miracle surprise! We have always wanted a big family and had been trying for baby number 3 for a while. My husband was actually the first one to suspect my pregnancy, noticing some changes in my body. I reluctantly took a pregnancy test and couldn’t believe when it showed up positive. Joy and excitement flooded over me and soon tears were twinkling down my cheeks. I felt like the luckiest woman alive knowing that we would soon have another little person to love.
I couldn’t wait to tell Alec the good news but not over the phone. It had to be just as big of a surprise as I had just experienced. What could I do? Maybe a little gift?
I wrapped the positive pregnancy test in its box. I had my phone on video mode, ready to record. I would be cool and calm but the moment I heard his car pull into the driveway, it felt like my heart was going to jump right out of my chest. I ran to the bedroom to collect myself. I heard him come into the house, say hello to our two other girls and walk towards our room. The moment was now! A swift kiss hello was followed by an “I got you a little something.”
Alec unwrapped his “gift”, opening up the box and finding the pregnancy test. Already being a father of two meant no explanation was needed. He knew exactly what he was looking at and what it meant. I’ll never forget his joyful reaction, sweeping me off my feet, kissing me and telling me how happy he felt and I even got most of it on camera too. We knew we wanted to tell our daughters first, before anyone else found out but being very young; 2 and 4 years old we’d have to approach this topic with care.
I also needed to get blood work done and make that ever important 1st appointment with our gynaecologist. We decided to wait until I had received my blood results. Just to be 100% sure we are pregnant. Within 24 hours the bloodwork confirmed that I was most definitely pregnant.
It was time to tell the girls! Of course their reactions needed to be documented too. So, we planned a pregnancy reveal photoshoot. Nothing fancy, just us reading to Eliana and Lia while enjoying a family pyjama day. Both girls were excited after hearing the news. “Eliana ordered” a little brother while Lia preferred another sister. Our entire family seemed ready to expand and everyone treasured the blessing of this pregnancy.
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Posted at 19:25h, 13 September[…] Month 1 Finding Out I Was Pregnant […]
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Posted at 19:34h, 13 September[…] Month 1 Finding Out I Was Pregnant […]