05 May More Charities, NGO’s & NPO’s Who Need Your Support
When President Ramaphosa announced the nationwide lockdown on Monday, 23 March 2020, he also stated that a fund would be established to service the needs of the public. The solidarity fund is an independent organisation that helps fund the government’s efforts to detect individuals who test positive for COVID-19, treat them, support them, and prevent any further spread of the disease.
Ramaphosa also shared that a third of the minister’s salaries would be directed to the fund for a three-month period, to help support the cause. Members of the EFF have also committed to donating a portion of their earnings to the national fund. Donations can be made directly at solidarityfund.co.za or calling 0860 01 01.
A voluntary group run solely by the power of social media, this NPO and PBO is not associated with one single charity but offers assistance to a number of welfare organisations across South Africa.
Our country is in crisis, which means the helpless are doubly in need of help. The branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban have already helped 10 000 people through the 3m donations received over the years. They urgently require you to extend a hand during this time so the aid can reach those whose lives depend on it. Donations can be made by emailing [email protected] or calling 083 777 1621, or find out more on their website.
This foundation is the largest non-governmental, locally established, disaster response organization on the African continent. R2.8b in aid has reached over 40 countries in its 27 years of operating. Gift of The Givers has been helping those who haven’t the resources to help themselves for a very long time. They could really use your donations to keep doing so.
Not only do they work to alleviate hunger, but they also provide water, administer healthcare, as well as educate and uplift the community. Donations can be made through [email protected] or by calling 0800 786 911.
Here is another organisation created for the sole purpose of serving the growing needs during the global outbreak of the novel Coronavirus. They describe themselves as a match-making platform that connects South Africans with “on-the-ground” charities that could use some support during the pandemic.
You can donate money or products through Coronacare and they will distribute the provisions across the country accordingly. Donations can be made by going to [email protected] or calling 072 378 7396.
For 18 years, this NPO has provided a safe haven for the victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, abuse and neglect. It was clear that the Howick area, in KwaZulu Natal was in need of serious intervention.
Angels Care feeds 485 children weekly, and is responsible for the healthcare of 683 individuals. This charity also educated thousands of learners. During lockdown, they are accepting all the financial assistance they can get to house GBV victims and feed hungry mouths. Donations can be made by following [email protected] or calling 033 330 6875.
In just under three weeks, the ENCA and its participating publications have managed to raise over R7m in donations. eMedia Investments, in association with Hosken Consolidated Investments, saw the need to establish a fund that would feed money into organisations at the frontlines of this global pandemic.
This fund finances everything from the delivery of food parcels to the purchasing of personal protective equipment (PPE) for medical personnel and offering support to children’s homes and the like. Donations can be made by going to [email protected] or calling 021 481 4599.
Did you know that a third of all the edible products manufactured in South Africa ends up in a landfill? 14 million of the food insecure citizens of this country could really use that food. That’s where FoodForward SA comes in. This NPO has been providing impoverished communities with food parcels since 2009.
During lockdown, the need to deliver food is higher as a lot of lower-income households have no way of feeding their families because they can’t go to work. FoodForward SA are committing to raising R50m in order to provide meals for those who need it most. Donations can be made directly via their website.
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