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The chill has truly set in and with grey skies and icy winds and it’s the season for eating food that makes us feel warm and snug: comfort food. It’s natural to want to eat more when it’s cold, as our bodies need more energy,...

Looking for a cleansing diet where you won’t have to strap yourself down to avoid binging or climbing the walls? Kitchari is a simple dish made of mung beans and rice and is used in Ayurveda to heal all that ails, kind of like chicken soup...

Let's be honest: the last thing you feel like on a cold winter's morning is an icy (albeit nutrient-packed) smoothie. But we've come up with a brilliant alternative – warm superfood lattes that'll warm your bones and keep your fingers toasty. Best of all, they're still...

Do you find yourself checking your phone or tablet first thing in the morning or last thing at night? Would you change your habits if you knew that your electronic devices might be making you fat, tired and sick? Studies show that being exposed to the blue-and-white light given off...

This is a special guest post by Ankie Niesing of Wooden Spoon Kitchen (find her on Facebook or Instagram). Ankie is a total foodie, cooking school owner and food stylist, and full-time feeder of her little family. She doesn’t follow any specific diet yet but is on a journey to eat cleaner and greener. It is...

We have always had a relationship with the ocean that goes deep. It’s more than just a resource for valuable food such as fish and seaweed and a vast watery highway we use to connect us across the continents. It’s teeming with an amazing array...

The soy bean has been part of the human diet for thousands of years and the Ancient Chinese believed it to be one of the five sacred grains vital for life (alongside rice, wheat, barley and millet.). Soy is particularly important in a vegan diet, as it...

There is much more to being a green goddess than choosing earth-friendly products, green beauty is beauty with a heart. It wouldn’t make sense to be beautiful at the expense of other sentient creatures would it? We use cosmetics and skin products every day, perhaps...

Faithful to Nature's founder shares her road to veganism and her top 10 vegan pantry essentials. I have been an avid vegetarian since I was 16 years old. I volunteered at the Krishna Society while at university to hand out vegetarian food in underprivileged areas. After my studies,...