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Are you always on that quest to shed a few kilos and finding it more like a being on a see saw? What is the lowdown on losing weight successfully over the long term? There are a few common traits that studies have found help...

Every New Year is an opportunity to follow your dreams, evolve and grow into more of your magical, empowered self. It needn’t be chasing rainbows, there are real things you can do, both big and small that can make 2016 your best year yet. It's...

While we often think of the bathroom cabinet as the place where all our beauty essentials are kept, many of them are actually found in the kitchen and pantry instead. Eating for beauty means nourishing your skin, hair and nails from the inside out, with...

If you are a greenie who wants the best for humanity and the earth, being reminded of ways you can contribute and play your part is something to think about as the New Year begins. Here are a few New Year’s resolutions to consider. 1. Plastic It...

Being health conscious is an evolving journey as we discover, or rediscover the natural wisdom of our bodies. Banting has been all the craze, and it’s become common knowledge that sugary foods that spike our blood sugar aren’t a good idea and chemical toxins and...

It’s the end of the year again and before us lies another year, shiny and new like a gift. Life can feel so stressful and rushed sometimes that finding ways to touch base and count our blessing can be something we consciously have to decide...

It’s been said to offer the “strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea, and the euphoria of chocolate”. Many South Americans called it “the drink of the gods”. That already tells you this drink must be worth investigating. But there’s even more to Yerba...

2016 is here! It's a new year and the perfect time for a detox after all the holiday fun and indulgence. Cleaning up your diet and getting in shape are important, but don’t forget that supporting your organs through a cleanse can make all the...

During the festive season, even the most careful among us are likely to experience that “morning after the night before” feeling as those seasonal indulgences take their toll. Before you reach for the painkillers, here’s a look at a few of the best all-natural, fast-acting...