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The closer to home your greenie efforts start the better and composting is one of those greenie habits that just makes common sense. It’s the original grassroots recycling. Chucking your kitchen debris out with the rubbish means that your precious organic kitchen waste will just become...

It’s fast becoming as clear as daylight that using electricity from fossil fuels isn’t such a great idea. It's been estimated that the earth’s fossil fuels will last about another 30 to 40 years. With the move towards finding more sustainable alternatives, looking to the...

The Omegas 3, 6 and 9 are like an inseparable trio of fatty siblings well-known for their amazing health benefits, but there has been some confusion as to who does what amongst this family and is it good or bad? Out of the three, Omega...

If preparing wholesome healthy food is something you aspire to, your choice of cookware may be a crucial link in the chain of your culinary choices you have overlooked. We all know that when you heat things they change. What happens is that the atoms in...

It’s more than just pretty, Himalayan Crystal Salt has many properties that are far superior to your average commercial table salt, that can put you happily in the pink. Our bodies are made up of a complex treasure of minerals that are continuously keeping a...

Sanitary wear is one of the most intimate things you can use for body care. It comes into such close contact with where you are so vulnerable, so surely exactly what is in your monthly hygiene products is worth thinking about? The realm of feminine...

Your tummy is literally the powerhouse that processes the fuel to keep you reliably chugging along. But what if there is a leak in the fuel tank? Leaky gut can have a huge knock-on effect on your health, from discomfort and bloating to brain fog...

Your gut hosts an interesting and varied community of microbes that would make for some interesting conversation, but when unwelcome characters put in a show it’s best to show them the door. Intestinal parasites are in fact quite a common phenomenon, perhaps so common that...

It’s not the best way to end a meal, but for some a familiar burning and bitterness rising up the throat is an almost inevitable finale to savouring a spot of rich cuisine. Acid reflux is a relatively common problem that rears its head at...