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  Chocaholics around the world can take heart from new research which shows that the health benefits of epicatechin, a compound found in cocoa, are so striking that it may rival penicillin in importance to public health. In fact, researchers from Harvard Medical School say that epicatechin...

Serves 4 I love the recipe because of how easy it is to make and was intrigued that avocados could work so well in a chocolate pudding of all things. Enjoy! Ingredients: 3 avocados 6 tbsp cocoa powder 1/4 cup raw honey 1 tsp pure vanilla extract Kalahari desert salt Instructions Puree avocados, cacoa...

As with many other superfoods Chia was considered more valuable than gold to the Aztecs. Considering that it outperforms even Flax seeds in its omega-3 content and in price, & that it is an almost complete food, providing essential protein, fats and...

Sometimes one can just feel stifled by words and I want to share my love and inspiration for the diversity of our planet Earth with pictures. Enjoy! The Andes Symmetry Old Family Malaspina Glacier, Alaska Seasons Soldiers Reflections Play Ocean Dwellers Stillness Himalayas Design Life Heart Flowers Detail Rare Turbulence Five Fingers ...

  Soil Aromatherapy Press has published just the dandiest article on using essential oils to fight the germs this winter that we are re-publishing, with their permission of course! All the oils mentioned have links to where they can be purchase on our online organic and...

I totally get it – it’s not like anyone is going to be eating the cotton but in truth there is unfortunately reason for a big fuss when it comes to the material your bedding and clothes are made of. To understand why organic cotton...

Faithful to Nature is not just about the sale of organic products. It’s a dream Christian and I have to inspire others (and ourselves in the process) to make more conscious decisions; to feel more inspired; and to feel greater joy as we find more...

Winter is a wonderful time to slow down. Lazy days spent reading in front of the fire; and leisurely walks through the parks take precedence over the constant social activity from the summer. Hot cross buns, warmed breads, soup and hot drinks take centre stage...

When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.  ~David Orr Be careful of the Environment you choose, because it will shape you. And this is exactly why we are encouraging, perhaps begging, all our Faithful Fans to help us collect as many bags of litter as...