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Time to get all our ducks in a row. What do we need for baby? Truth be told, not a lot, especially for the 1st few weeks but if we don’t prepare now, we won’t have time once baby is here. So, let’s do this! Lists,...

So my body is really beginning to change. Now, let’s just be honest. No matter how hard I wiggle and squeeze there is no getting into my pre-pregnancy jeans. In fact, none of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit, and my underwear isn’t all that comfortable anymore...

17 weeks along. Early pregnancy symptoms are subsiding, and that constant and overwhelming feeling of tiredness is becoming less as my energy starts returning. Making a human is not easy and trimester 1 takes A LOT out of your body! I’m trying my very best...

Whether it’s morning sickness, fatigue, the odd spotting or intense ligament pain. No 1st trimester is completely pregnancy symptom-free. I’ve been one of the lucky few, only battling to stay awake after 2 pm. It’s a struggle, especially with two other little ones demanding my...

3 weeks since that wonderful positive pregnancy test. About 8 weeks along and finally time to go visit the doctor.  Today is the day we get to meet our baby for the 1st time. Everyone is excited, but the girls might be the most excited...

Hello baby! Whether you’ve been trying for months, or unexpectedly see those 2 blue lines… Finding out you’re pregnant is a surprise, every single time. Round number 3 was our biggest yet! Don’t get me wrong, Ava was planned, prayed and hoped for but after experiencing...

This Butter Bean Hummus recipe was made by, Jess Kotlowitz, The Green Dietician. Almost everyone knows the wonders of the good old faithful hummus, but most people don't know that you can make hummus or bean pate from almost any bean under the sun. This is a...

This One-pot Puttanesca Pasta was made by, Jess Kotlowitz, The Green Dietician. I have always loved pasta, I mean, who doesn't? But for most of my life I felt guilty every time I ate pasta because I thought, as most people do, that it would make me...

This Peanut Stir Fry recipe was made by, Jess Kotlowitz, The Green Dietician. Stir Fry is one of my favourite one-pot meals. Not only is it a great way to get in a variety of vegetables but it is also a convenient and balanced meal that can be...