Become a part of the guilt-free glitter revolution! Planning a little ones’ next birthday party? Or perhaps you’re piling tents, camping chairs and fairy lights into your hatchback and heading off to an offbeat music festival? Either way, you can do your bit to take the...
Reflections on the realities of Life on 50L of Water in Cape Town We were sitting at the kitchen table, the newspaper, splayed out in every direction. A story in the Toronto Star reads ‘Crisis in Cape Town: It’s about to run out of water’. I...
Avoiding Day Zero in Cape Town* Getting on board with the water crisis is no longer an option. It’s a must. Nobody wants to arrive at the prospective Day Zero and wish they had done more to avoid queuing for water. While there is still water...
For many people, the vegan lifestyle is a moral and ethical choice. However, it is also being viewed as a means in achieving certain health benefits. Either way, having a good grasp of how your body responds to a diet without any animal by-products is...
Handbags, belts, boots, wallets, luggage – the leather industry has held the manufacturing monopoly on most of those lifestyle items for some time now. But as a global urgency towards environmental sustainability grows and an awareness toward eco-living becomes an ever-present fore-ground thought in most...
I did something recently I’m not very proud of. I cheated. On my chickpeas. With a giant bowl of saucy chicken livers. It was late, I was clearly craving it and I might even try to blame it on one too many beers. This wasn’t my...
In a shiny stainless steel test kitchen nestled in Silicon Valley, a food scientist is preparing a hopefully sensational meatless burger. As the spatula glides in beneath the hot surface of the pink, fleshy patty fat sizzles around its seared edges. Once flipped, the delicious...