Read on for more inspirational and natural eco content!

Birds, bees and butterflies in your garden not only mean you are nurturing an environment that supports biodiversity, you are also adding another beautiful thriving little oasis! These creatures are crucial pollinators in our eco-system and every small haven created for them ensures a better...

They say there’s a DIY renaissance afoot, and knitting and crocheting have really made a comeback – the rainbow of colours, tactile textures, the calming therapeutic effects of the simple repetitive movements and the satisfying results, make it a firm, fun favourite in the blossoming...

Coconut water has been the darling of the day for some time now for those looking for a refreshing drink they can toss in their bag instead of a sugary soft drink loaded with stimulants. But there is another drink waiting in the wings that...

If you are choosing to give your body a spring “clean” by way of a detox or diet, please consider the whole picture. What I mean by this is that for the first time ever in recent months, I am starting to feel some peace...

The Fynbos kingdom is a South African Floral wonderland of exquisitely beautiful shrubs with flowers of all shades and wild, delicate fragrances that extends from Vanrhynsdorp up the West Coast towards Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, never leaving the coastline by more than 200km’s. For...

Who doesn’t love sinking their teeth into the depths of a multi-layered decadent hamburger with the perfect synergy of textures, flavours and tummy-satisfying protein snugly squashed between the buns? If you don’t eat meat though, you may be crazy about burgers, but not the ‘ham’...

As women take on bigger leadership roles in society, our soft side is something we may tuck away and reserve for only very intimate spaces. Opening yourself up and showing your authentic self when you're out there may seem scary and maybe even counter-intuitive. You...

Yoni, the Sanskrit word for vagina, literally means sacred temple. A lovely way to think of it isn’t it? It’s the temple of our feminine power. As we reawaken the goddess in our world, there are so many ancient practises that at certain times in...

Probiotics are big in the news these days. Scientific discoveries of just how deeply these invisible microbes are entwined with our well-being grow with each day, but in reality we have understood on some level since ancient times that cultured foods play an important role...