28 Jul Personality Types & Perfumes
Scent-preferences are highly personal and subjective. Why is it that certain scents will transport one person with delight, but will be offensive to another? Our scent associations are directly linked to our memories. In one survey, for example, responses to the question ‘What are your favourite smells?’ included many odours generally regarded as unpleasant (such as gasoline and body perspiration), while some scents usually perceived as pleasant (such as flowers) were violently disliked by certain respondents. These preferences were explained by good and bad experiences associated with particular scents.
One of the studies showing our tendency to prefer scents that we can identify correctly also showed that the use of an appropriate colour can help us to make the correct identification, thus increasing our liking for the fragrance. The scent of cherries, for example, was accurately identified more often when presented along with the colour red – and subjects’ ability to identify the scent significantly enhanced their rating of its pleasantness.
Other studies have shown that shy, introverted people are generally more sensitive to smell than sociable extroverts. Scents evoke an emotional response in us, and how we react emotionally to stimuli is based on our past experiences; our memories. How we feel emotionally has a direct affect on our health and general well-being. The scents that you encounter throughout your life become part of your experience: your aromascape, or, your inner landscape of scent. Your aromascape is formed by your specific anthropological perspective-taking into account genetics, cultural heritage, place of birth, places you have lived, as well as your physical, psychological, and emotional context. These factors also shape our personalities.
A perfume is like a subtle aura that surrounds us, a reflection of our personality. We do not expect other people to all have the same likes and dislikes as we do, and would be offended if someone tried to impose their likes on us; this should be kept in mind when we wear a perfume. It is no longer politically correct to wear perfumes with a sillage (the trail a perfume leaves) that extends beyond your personal boundaries, as is in the case of most synthetic perfumes.
A Natural perfume’s silage is closer to skin, more subtle. It is there to enjoy for those whom you will allow into your personal space and for those with whom you want to share who you uniquely are. Learn more about preferences below, and be sure to shop our selection of natural fragrances once you’ve found your perfect scent.
Most people tend to be overwhelmed when faced with the huge selection of fragrances available, thus to help people decide Psychologists Dr. Joachim Mensing and Christa Beck of the Research Institute for Applied Esthetics in Freiburg, West Germany developed a colour rosette test based on the link between our personality types, colour and scent.
This a fun and effective way to learn more about yourself and to better guage which fragrances will better appeal to you.
Simply study the chart below without reading any further and pick a rosette
Once you have chosen your Rosette, note which letter it is associated with and read about your group type and the recommended perfume from our beautiful natural range:
GROUP A: Extroverted
As a result of their basic psychological make-up, the perfume users in this group tend to be optimistic and active. They are outgoing, dynamic and willing to accept risks. The attitudes and behaviour patterns of the perfume users that make up this group reflect their psychological personality traits:
In group efforts, they like to be the leaders – They reject a weak, non-self-sufficient woman’s role – Life and all of its difficulties pose no problems for them – They can quickly impart life to a boring group – Tasks that demand fast action are what they love. Their desired lifestyle is straight-forward, practical and utilitarian, and they display a keen interest in everything new.
Fragrance needs are fresh, citrus, floral.
GROUP B: Introverted
The need for inner tranquility and harmony as well as the possibility of being able to develop their own individuality, characterise this user group. As a result of their psychological make-up, they tend to both relate to their environment, while simultaneously defining themselves against it. Their characteristic attitudes and behaviour patterns are:
Pondering a great deal about themselves and others – Rejection of those who are merely superficial – They would rather stay at home than go to a boring party – Living alone on a deserted island for months or years on end would pose no problems for them – They are decisive in rejecting anything that would threaten or restrict the individuality. Their desired lifestyle is individualistic and unique, and not infrequently “alternative”.
Fragrance need is oriental.
GROUP C: Emotionally Ambivalent
As a result of their basic psychological make-up, these perfume users are highly sensitive and have finely developed feelings. Their moods are ambivalent. Day-dreams and romantic, sentimental fantasies from a firm part of their reality. The way in which they experience life manifests itself in their characteristics attitudes and behaviour patterns:
Sometimes, they are ready to conquer the world, while on other occasions, they cannot get up the energy to do any real work – They reject everything that is too sober and rational – They enjoy dreaming about things that cannot possibly even come true – An aversion to having their moods and feelings restricted – They enjoy cozy evening at home with lights dimmed. Their desired lifestyle does not display any uniform traits. Their interest in fashionable new trends is appeased by emotional ties to old artifacts that they have grown to love.
Fragrance needs are light-floral, usually in conjunction with various other fragrance families
GROUP D: Emotionally ambivalent with extroverted mood trend
The perfume users that comprise this group display a basic personality make-up that is lively, cheerful and vivacious, yet easily injured. This group reacts spontaneously and generously to its environment, as can be evidenced by its characteristic attitudes and behaviour patterns:
They always attempt to make the best out of what life has to offer – Their attitude is: We should satisfy as many desires as possible; after all, we only live once – They reject people who let themselves go – They can make decisions spontaneously and be enthusiastic about them – Should they feel injured, they attempt to overcome the situation without brooding over the cause of it longer than is absolutely necessary. Their desired lifestyle is geared toward modernality. It is characterized by spontaneous interests and impulsiveness, and sometimes “dreamy” behaviour.
Fragrance needs are floral, floral-fruity.
GROUP E: Emotionally ambivalent with introverted mood trend
As a result of their personality make-up, the perfume users in this group reject hectic, unsettled or dynamic life. They have a strong need for protection and security. Characteristic attitudes and behaviour patterns of this group include:
A desire to plan carefully and on a long-range basis – In the event of illness, they would always have the diagnosis confirmed by a second opinion – A secure job that offers only average earnings is preferable to a short, yet high paying job – Whenever possible, they avoid conflicts – They enjoy having people around them who can offer them security, but without disturbing the rhythm of their own lives. Their desired lifestyle necessitates a firm financial foundation. They have strong preference for collecting valuable items.
Fragrance needs are floral-sweet, oriental.
GROUP F: Emotionally stable with extroverted mood trend
These perfume users display a basic personality make-up that is strong, harmonious and well balanced. They are rarely unhappy or depressed. The aspects that make up their daily lives are assessed realistically and pursued diligently. Several characteristic attitudes and behaviour patterns:
Problems are solved in a practical, uncomplicated manner – They don’t worry about the past – They put less stock in their luck and more in their own deeds – They radiate human warmth and strength to their environment – They play or have played an active role in organizing club or group. Their desired lifestyle is characterized by a preference for quality, well-made and durable things.
Fragrance needs are chypre, floral-mossy, animalistic, fruity.
GROUP G: Emotionally stable with introverted mood trend
The perfume users in this group are engaged in a search for well-balanced emotional state. As a result of their personality make-up, they are neither predominantly quiet and introverted nor highly dynamic and lively. And last but not the least, their desire for self-control also manifests in their characteristic attitudes and behaviour patterns toward themselves and their environment:
Care is taken to avoid overstepping their bounds with respect to others – They value a certain social level in those around them – Their search for a well-balanced emotional state, they feel, is not made any easier by their environment – They would not let themselves go in the presence of others – even when they are alone, they like to eat at a carefully set table. The lifestyle desired by this group is life in the fast lane; they love everything that is elegant, special and precious.
Fragrance need is floral-powdery.
GROUP H: The brown/yellow/green colour rosette
The studies performed with the H&R colour test showed that the “emotionally stable” mood does not represent an independent, typical fragrance need.
Should, however, a perfume user select the brown/yellow/green colour rosette in conjunction with any other colour rosette for Groups A to G, it is an indication that she is looking for the fragrance direction indicated by the group, but in a particularly straight-forward, uncomplicated form. Combinations of various groups indicate a combination of the corresponding fragrance needs.
Shop Faithful to Nature for a range of beautiful scents to suit you.
Pingback:How to make your own perfume | Make it and Mend it
Posted at 14:56h, 15 September[…] you need some help on what types of perfumes best suit your personality, you can take the colour rosette test to see if your personality type is best suited to floral; oriental; citrus; fruity or fresh […]
Pingback:Faithful to Nature – Natural & Organic Blog » Blog Archive The Wonders of Natural Perfume | Faithful to Nature Blog
Posted at 10:25h, 10 October[…] Find the Perfect Perfume to suit YOUR Unique Personality! […]
Pingback:I Want to Find My Dream Like I Found My Perfume Scent | MJ.
Posted at 07:43h, 26 October[…] work for me. Number G stand for emotionally stable character (really?) with introverted mood trend. Here is the explanation: Care is taken to avoid overstepping their bounds with respect to others – They […]