03 Aug Remedies That Eliminate Intestinal Parasites Naturally
Your gut hosts an interesting and varied community of microbes that would make for some interesting conversation, but when unwelcome characters put in a show it’s best to show them the door. Intestinal parasites are in fact quite a common phenomenon, perhaps so common that we perhaps forget how crucial it is to regularly do our house cleaning to make sure these beasties don’t become overbearing, causing all sorts of unwelcome symptoms.
Parasites are all over the place but can be spread by poor hygiene such as not washing your hands before preparing food or after going to the loo, contaminated water, or coming into contact with animal feces.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms of parasite infestation can be very varied as once they have made themselves at home they can have a domino effect on other systems in your body as they rob you of valuable nutrients and energy your body needs to function at its best. If left untreated they can lead to illness such as chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders too.
Symptoms to watch out for:
• Intestinal cramping
• Indigestion
• Bloating
• Chronic diarrhea or constipation
• Chronic fatigue and muscle weakness
• Foggy brain
• Food allergies or sensitivities
• Repeated nausea
• Unexplained rashes and itching, particularly itching around the anus at night
• Insomnia
• Anemia
• Weight issues of being under or over weight
• light headedness
• wheezing and coughing
• unexplained swelling
• unexplained palpitations
Common Intestinal Parasites
• Round worms: these critters live in your stomach and intestines and you’re likely to pick them up from food that has been contaminated, or your pet’s feces.
• Tape worms: these beauties like your lower intestinal tract and can grow to great lengths
• Pin worms: If your anus gets itchy during sleep it could mean you have pin worms laying eggs there at night. If you scratch the eggs get under your nails and migrate like that. They are very light and can also be airborne and get into your lungs.
• Hook worms and thread worms: These can enter through the soles of your feet and are really minute. They are also found in unhygienic drinking water.
How you can eliminate intestinal parasites naturally
Conventional medicines are one route to go but tend to be very toxic with side effects, and can also have a detrimental effect on the positive flora in your gut. To really get rid of a chronic infection can take time as you make sure you treat yourself long enough to cover the life cycle of the parasite as well as treat all your pets and family at the same time to prevent reinfection. A thorough cleanse means taking anti-parasitics for at least 3 weeks. You should treat yourself and your family at least once a year or every six months.
Natural remedies that Eliminate Parasites
• Diatomaceous Earth, Zeolite Powder and Bentonite clay are all extremely effective and fast acting anti-parasitics
• Black walnut tincture, Wormwood and Cloves are a trio often taken together to cover all the bases from eggs (cloves) to adult stages (wormwood and black walnut hull)
• Olive leaf is a really effective antibiotic and anti-parasitic
Anytime you clear unwanted beasties out of your body you create a bigger load for your liver and intestines to deal with and can experience detox symptoms.
Support Yourself:
• With liver loving goodies such as Milk Thistle or antioxidant Vitamin C.
• Super nutrients as such as Spirulina, Chlorella and Hemp can support your body to detox, heal and repair
• Avoid easy parasite food such as refined sugars and carbs
• Vitamin A protects against larvae penetration
• Vitamin C and zinc are important for parasite control as well
• Probiotics and eating foods that are cultured and naturally fermented can help restore a healthy balance in your gut.
• Always remember to deworm your pets at the same time – you can use Diatomaceous earth for them too.
Clearing Out
Once you have killed parasites, you can help your body move them out of your body as efficiently as possible by taking:
• Psyllium and Chia seeds help line your digestive tract with soothing gel, while encouraging your tummy to get a move on.
• Healing clays such as bentonite and zeolite are useful here too as they will absorb the parasites and escort them out while being effective anti-parasitics themselves
Parasites are a fact of daily life and regularly chucking them out before they get too comfortable is a sensible habit that should a life-long one for your own good health!
Always check with a qualified professional if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before you take herbal supplements.
Gaura Das
Posted at 19:56h, 06 AprilPapaya seeds , one tsp. mixed with honey is effective against E. Coli, Salmonella and Stapholococcus and they are only the cost of a papaya. Pumpkin seeds & Sunflower seeds are also got for getting rid of parasites.
Patrice Winter
Posted at 01:52h, 28 AugustI have been an advocate for bentonite clay for 3 years now. It cured my IBS when the only treatment the specialist prescribed (after extensive investigation and biopsy and diagnosing me with micro-colitis) was ingesting cortisone tablet, lets just say I wasn’t impressed! Since then I have discovered that bentonite clay is an amazing treatment for many things including absorbing bacteria and viruses. I wasn’t even aware that I had intestinal parasites until I started taking bentonite clay to prevent cold/ flu from developing. I was shocked to see what looked similar to a maggot but slightly longer :/ so I searched google. Needless to say, I was not impressed. I had a feeling that bentonite clay may have been responsible for the extraction, so it is just one more thing to add to the list of benefits of bentonite clay