28 Jul Some Wonderful Ideas & Inspiration to Put Love & Romance into Action
Romance is not only about sharing a candlelight dinner with your lover or about spending lots of money on cards and teddies when Valentines day comes around, rather memorable romantic experiences can be created and shared with any person who is special and wonderful in your life and the effort in creating these experiences is at little cost but rich in reward.
Did you know that one of ways Romance is described in the dictionary is as follows:
“The colourful world, life, or conditions depicted in such tales.”
Here are some of our ideas to inspire and entice romantic actions and occasions:
- Write an out of the blue letter to your mother or sister as a special surprise.
- Put on some music, light candles and eat leftover cake with your family for Friday Dinner. Sometimes when I am not in the mood to cook, my daughter and I will have cereal for dinner and we both love that.
- Sit as a family and play cards on an evening at home – make time to catch up.
- Give a long back massage or foot rub.
- Send your best friend a hamper to say thank you for the friendship.
- Leave notes in secret places to express your gratitude, even for the small things.
- Smile at every person you come into contact with, that way there will be love in your voice and attitude when dealing with them. Try it, often I wave and smile hysterically at an angry drivers instead of giving them the finger and it catches them off guard every time, plus you will feel better than haven retaliated.
- Bring lunch for a co-worker.
- Bring home treasures for your loved ones, like an interesting stone you found, a heart shaped leaf, or sweet scented flower. Small gifts like these say I love you in a way that can last a lifetime.
- Give compliments. Especially to people you don’t know, this is the second best fun thing to do after smiling at strangers!
- Make pancakes with the family on Saturday morning.
- Run a candlelight bath for your loved one – this could be your lover, friend or family member even.
Sharing Love is the most important gift we can give and we can give it as often and to as many people we like every day, not just on Valentines. Let the love that is in the air inspire you to open your hearts. Our healing happens as we open our hearts, and then we can connect all human beings. This oneness transcends ideology, nationality, race, sex and religious belief systems. Love can exist and in our lives everyday no matter what are circumstances are. Be free in your heart and adopt the Attitude of Love.
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