02 Aug The Mane Issue
Some simple essential oil solutions to bring the best out of your locks

Our hair is a very defining feature. Samson got his strength from it, its one of the first things we change about ourselves when we feel the need for freshness in our lives and it is on show almost all of the time. Although it is part of the natural ageing process to loose some of our locks it is not a natural process to loose its shine.This lack of life is usually brought on by our lifestyle and hair routine. Like your skin, your hair reflects the harmony that your body is in with itself and the world around it and poor dietary habits can cause limp and weak hair. Overwashing, over drying, chemical treatments and hair products with harsh detergents like laureth sulphates are also to blame.
Help is not far from reach however and once again all solutions point towards nature.
Essential oils can work wonders on the condition of your scalp and hair because they are so versatile. They can be used to strengthen hair, control dandruff, improve condition and help an itchy, flaky scalp – all at the same time!
Most oils however work directly on the scalp and I cannot stress enough that a healthy scalp is at the root of gorgeous hair. Hair grows from follicles situated on the scalp, and the health of the follicles determine the health of our hair. It is for this reason that you should massage the oils onto your scalp when you use them.
Simply select the essential oil that best matches your hair type and either massage it into your hair or add it to an organic or natural shampoo. It is recommended that you use about 50 drops of your oil to every 100ml of your hair product.
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