03 Mar Unicorn Berry Funday Flapjacks
When you get less than 4 hours sleep, sometimes you need an exceptional breakfast to see you right. And that’s exactly what these Wazoogle blueberry flapjacks are! Now I don’t condone minimal sleep, but due to a few medical issues over the last few days I have really struggled to find comfort during these hot summer nights. So, I found comfort in my kitchen instead, and in my recipes.
The first few I cooked in coconut oil, however due to the nature of cooking flapjacks I still feel it’s best to use good quality Spray & Cook. Not only does it not burn the flapjack, it also allows the blueberries to stay more intact when executing your flip’aroo.
Now that my belly and heart are full, its time to tackle my to do list!
1 whole egg, 1 egg white
1 banana
1 serving of Wazoogle Vanilla superfood protein powder
½ tsp backing powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1. Place all ingredients in a blender, and whiz that shiz up!
2. Pour mixture onto a medium to hot pan, using a tsp of coconut oil & four blueberries for each flapjack.
3. Once all the flapjacks have been made, add a handful or two of blueberries into the same pan with a small amount of water.
4. Cook blueberries until they have broken slightly and stained the water to create a sauce like consistency.
Add to your fav plate and decorate.
Special thanks to Warren and Gavin for sharing their pursuit of passion and knowledge with us.
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