26 Jan 4 Simple Points to Consider on Switching to Organic Make-Up
Choosing natural over synthetic seems to be becoming a more intuitive logic – generally speaking. We already sway strongly that way in our fresh produce choices and clothing fabrics. But where are you at on the pendulum when it comes to the beauty products you adorn your face with?
As I learn more and more about the impossibly long list of toxins masquerading in our mascaras and other cosmetic products, it becomes prevalent to me that we 1) either need to memorise all these horrendously complex scientific names so as to be sure none of these nasties are hiding in our chosen personal care products, or 2) we distill what matters down to its simplest form and then support the businesses who have those interests at heart so that not every purchase becomes agonising.
You with me? So, let’s simplify all of this down to the primary reasons to go with natural beauty products over synthetic, commercial brands.
1. The ingredients in natural products don’t harm the Earth
By now we’ve all established that the majority of us (hopefully) genuinely care about this planet we get to call home.
But many of the ingredients in synthetic beauty products, like cadmium, lead, petroleum, aluminium and mineral oil are quite frankly substances you might expect to find on a construction site or at your local mechanic – not in your underarm deodorant or foundation. These nasties need to be mined from deep within the earth. Mining contributes to deforestation as well as affecting natural, underground clean water systems, among many other environmental harms.
2. Mined and man-made cosmetic ingredients are incredibly toxic to your body
I’m no scientist. But you shouldn’t need a science degree to know what you can and can’t put in on your body. If a long list of chemicals and synthetic additives on the back of your foundation give you an uneasy feeling – that’s your natural intuition saying “Hang on – I don’t understand this language on an intuitive level – I don’t want to put it in my body”.
Fortunately, science has already illuminated many of the detrimental side effects of the ingredients found in most over the counter beauty products. Have a gander of this list – and then steer clear.
3. Natural products not only cause no harm but work with your body’s natural functions
Natural and organic beauty products contain familiar, kind ingredients. These natural oils and herbs are bio-active which means they are recognised by your skin’s own oils, so they synergise instead of taking over and invading.
Synthetic products cause a complacency in your body because the chemicals begin to take over those tasks forcing you to become reliant on your beauty products to do the job of your skin.
Your lashes, for example, are quite capable of hydrating themselves. But slap some petroleum-enriched goop on them and your own natural lash lubricant literally becomes incapable of fulfilling its function. Beeswax breathes and supports the lashes instead.
4. Synthetic cosmetics result in drinking water toxicity
Life is cyclical. Nothing just stops with you. If you’re not phased by the long-term damage you might be doing to your own body, consider what happens to those chemical-laced cosmetics when you wash them off? It ends up in the water systems. One particular nasty for example, triclosan, forms chloroform when it mixes with chlorine in tap water. That already toxic mix goes on to form dioxins when sunlight is added. And just like that, you have a recipe for reproductive and developmental problems. We already have water scarcity – let’s not make what we do have undrinkable.
To shop natural makeup, click here.
If you are of the type who prefers deeper reading on the subject, these articles might help seal the deal for you:
The Real Price of Beauty
6 Reasons to Use Organic Make-Up
Make good choices people.
Heard of Eggscara? We Put the Make-It-Yourself Mascara to the Test
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